Coronavirus, checkpoints and vehicle controls: two Padua armor ordinances


From 10 to 19 without circulation in the center. After 2:00 p.m. it is forbidden to leave the municipal limits. The list of exemptions

PADUA. The last weekend before Christmas opens under the banner of bans. The declared objective of the Municipality and the Region is to stop the avalanche of purchases that occurred last week in the historic center. In Padua, two ordinances will be added, the municipal one on the prohibition of the circulation of automobiles and the regional one on the prohibition of leaving the municipal limits after 2:00 p.m. “The health situation is very serious,” Mayor Sergio Giordani explained yesterday, “hospitals have reached their limits and we mourn many deaths every day. I address Padua with a prayer: let’s protect ourselves, drastically limit contacts and pay maximum attention even in homes. The virus does not go on vacation and does not distinguish between a central street and the living room of your house.

Stop all the cars

In Padua from 10 am to 7 pm, the circulation of vehicles is prohibited within the historic center and in the Fiera area. The exceptions refer to proven work needs or situations of need or health reasons, departure and return from the residence itself, buses used for public line service, taxis and cars in rental service with driver, packaged food transport vehicles for canteens, vehicles for the handicapped with credentials, vehicles used for rescue work, including those of doctors on duty and veterinarians on urgent home visits, equipped with a special credential issued by the respective order. Then there is the all-day extension of all ZTL doors and the suspension of the derogation for purchases by sending the receipt. Therefore, four car parks are closed: Pontevigodarzere north tram terminal and Guizza south tram terminal, former Prandina Barracks, Piazza Insurrezione. Then there is the ordinance of the Region that prohibits moving to a Venetian municipality other than the residence or residence from today at 2:00 p.m.

The controls

The control system put in place by the Police Headquarters to ensure compliance with anti-recruitment regulations is massive. There will be fourteen checkpoints manned by one hundred police men. If necessary, the control staff will provide the self-certification forms. Here is the map of the directors in Padua prepared yesterday by the technical table at the police station: 1) via Goito-via Paoli (Barriera Saracinesca); 2) Porta San Giovanni square; 3) Porta Savonarola square; 4) Porta Trento; 5) via Trieste – viale Codalunga; 6) Via Tommaseo – Via Valeri; 7) Via Trieste – Via Gozzi (piazzale Boschetti); 8) via Venice – via Fistomba (Stanga); 9) via Gattamelata – via Cornaro; 10) via Gattamelata – via Giustiniani; 11) via Stoppato – via Facciolati (Pontecorvo area); 12) via Manzoni – via Leopardi; 13) Via d’Acquapendente – Via Bruno (skating rink); 14) via Bruno – via Costa. On extra-urban trips, after 2 pm, passengers must show that they are traveling for work or necessity. –

