Coronavirus changes the age of those hospitalized in intensive care: the Gemini study


Change theage of patients hospitalized in intensive care by the injection of coronavirus, according to a study carried out at the Gemelli Polyclinic. Already last July there was a decrease in the age of the patients, which went from 65/80 years to 40/60, while the average age of Sars-Cov-2 positive people.

They are precisely the Young people positive to cause further concern, in fact, although most are completely asymptomatic, or have very mild symptoms, can become the cause of infection of older relatives.

The age of ICU patients is decreasing

Massimo Antonelli, director of the Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care of the Gemelli Irccs Polyclinic in Rome, member of the Scientific Technical Committee for the containment of the coronavirus, has announced that in the last period the patients admitted to intensive care they are different from the beginning of the pandemic. The new increase in infections has also increased the number of hospitalizations, explains the doctor:

“We are recording a increased hospitalizations, even those in intensive care. A phenomenon tolerable by health establishments, which has nothing to do with what we saw in March, but which should not be underestimated ”.

Antonelli points out, however, that thanks to new organization of structures health is possible to ensure greater bed availability in intensive care, also providing greater peace of mind, compared to the months of March and April, in the case of a second wave. The doctor also claims that now the health professionals are better prepared: “We know our enemy better and we know how to identify and treat patients with symptoms earlier. Challenging patients get to the hospital sooner, and when needed, they also get to intensive care sooner – so we can treat them early.

The importance of treatment and prevention

Antonelli also explains that now, after months of trying, he has also reached a consolidation of therapy: In case of pneumonia, patients are ventilated, face down and if necessary, extracorporeal circulation. The doctor also remembers that at this moment, while we wait for a vaccine, the only weapon we have to defend ourselves is prevention:

“We never tire of remembering the importance of spacing, of the use of masks especially in closed environments and where distance is not possible, of hand hygiene and of avoiding aggregations. The attitude we have seen this summer, with an oversight, represents an understandable but dangerous reaction.

Antonelli explains that it is necessary to resist a little more before being able to officially return to normality, and the more people will be responsable, the sooner this situation comes to an end.
