“We are talking about those people who cannot find a new occupation take an irregular job or improvise as squatters. Thanks to this choice, they will be able to earn a few hundred euros a week; paid little and in cash, all this will be done in black and without payment of taxes, social contributions and insurance – explains the CGIA – In addition to the very probable expansion of irregular work, the situation of economic difficulty in which the country finds itself seems not feel for the political forces and public opinion in general. Unfortunately, the forecasts do not bode well. “
According to the coordinator of the Office of Studies Paolo Zabeo: “in 2009, which is remembered as the annus horribilis of the Italian economy of the last 75 years, GDP in Italy fell by 5.5 percent and unemployment nationwide by in two years it doubled, from 6 to 12 percent. This year, however, if things go well the contraction of GDP it will be 10 per cent: a reduction of almost double compared to 11 years ago. Given this, it is very likely that, from the moment the Cig was introduced in the Covid period and the layoffs are removed, the unemployment rate will acquire very worrying dimensions ”.
Will think of “amortizing” the loss of jobs the black economy. The latest available data tells us that in Italy there are more than 3.3 million illegal workers and 38 percent of the total is present in the southern regions. army of “invisible” every day he goes to the fields, construction sites, factories or houses of Italians to lend his work. Although unknown to INPS, Inail and the tax authorities, the negative economic effects caused by these individuals are “devastating”. In fact, they produce 78.7 billion euros of hidden added value ”.
With too many taxes, an overly oppressive bureaucratic and regulatory system and a lot of unemployment – reports CGIA Secretary Renato Mason – the irregular economy has found an ideal habitat to spread, especially in some areas of the country. Furthermore, those who work totally or partially illegally compete unfairly, alter the most elementary principles of economic democracy towards those who work outdoors and are obliged to pay taxes and contributions to the last penny. This is also why it is necessary to oppose and prosecute the abusive exercise of the craft professions ”.
The CGIA Research Office has estimated how the 78.7 billion euros of illicit added value produced per year by these abusive workers is distributed regionally. At the territorial level, the most critical situation occurs in the South. Compared to just over 1,253,000 irregular workers (equivalent to 38 percent of the national total), in the South the added value generated by the underground economy is 26.8 billion euros, which corresponds to 34 percent of the figure. . national. The reality least affected by the phenomenon is the northeast: the added value produced by the metro is 14,800 million euros.