Coronavirus cases in the “Leonardo” of Foggia. Fear among employees, unions call for smart work and early departures


Covid cases in “Leonardo”, a renowned company in the Asi de Foggia area. “In the last week – report from the MSW FIM-FIOM-UILM unions – the situation on our site has become alarming. During the last meeting of the Covid Committee, the company’s management formalized the assessment of two positive cases of Covid-19 within the plant and the required safety protocols were activated, sanitizing the areas where the subjects were. positive and putting Precautionary quarantine of about twenty colleagues with whom they have contacted. Furthermore, at the request of RSU, it was decided to increase the percentage of workers in smart working. From the investigations carried out, the infections in question appear to have occurred off-site. “

And they continue: “However, considering the increasingly worrying situation that is investing not only our site but the entire territory of Capitanata, for the RSU of the establishment it is necessary to look for more solutions through which to reduce the risk of contagion by Covid-19. In particular, as the RSU has repeatedly requested, it is necessary to reactivate the half-hour early departure for shift workers, which would make it possible to avoid meetings during the shift change ”.

Therefore, the RSU, given the strong growth of concern among workers and the probable growing number of positive colleagues to the new coronavirus, invites the company torestore all countermeasures in place during so-called “phase 1” In terms of smart work and work schedules, reactivate the 30-minute early departure for shift workers. For the factory RSU, given the long ASL waiting times, it is also a must that the swabs, as in other situations, are made privately by Leonardo. This is to facilitate the timeliness of the intervention and limit the risk of contagion to a number of workers as limited as possible. Also, given the now affordable costs of surgical masks, it would be wise to start provide two masks per day for each employee. Finally – the unions conclude – the population of the company is invited to respect basic preventive measures such as the minimum interpersonal safety distance and the use of masks provided, since in this phase so critical for our site, negligence in compliance with regulations and protocols for the protection of one’s own health and that of colleagues, as well as those of loved ones “.

According to rumors, at least two other cases of virus positivity have emerged in recent hours.
