Veneto registers a boom in Covid cases, 1,083 at night, twice the worst of the first wave. The total number of infected went from 37,182 on Tuesday to 38,265 on Wednesday. There’s also 5vittime more than the bulletin issued at 5 pm on October 20, which brings the total death toll to 2,282. The newsletter of the Region informs it. The highest positive cases were found in the province of Venice, 450 compared to the previous day. These data, analysts in the region explain, are also linked to the flow of microbiologies in Venice, which dates back to October 15, which computer scientists have updated after changes to the system introduced in the last two weeks. If we look at the positive cases currently, it is Treviso the province with the most (2,318), followed by Verona with 1,866. There are 524 people hospitalized and 66 in intensive care. The number has not changed since Tuesday. The hospital with the most patients is the one with 45 patients. The one with the most pressurized ICUs is the Padua with 14 active Covid units. The increase in infections is still an important value and he photographs the moment in Veneto, but the most important value, Zaia always reiterates, is that of hospitalizations and the use of intensive care. Compared to spring, the number of tampons has increased. 94 percent of the positives are asymptomatic. In Treviso, Covid has also affected those who make swabs, nursing homes worry.
Zaia’s reading
The governor of Veneto Luca Zaia, who had intervened by presenting the public health plan, had explained, in relation to the increase in data, that “you have to look at the data and not express opinions. I never said there is no problem, but I do not make predictions, I mean data. We are not catastrophists – he added – nor with an idyllic vision. Those of us who work in it know that to govern this historical moment we must always have “irons in the water” and keep the data. Nobody has a crystal ball in their hand. ”
Areas at risk
Zaia had reiterated that Veneto is not “a metropolitan area, where there are more meetings and more risks of contagion.” However, some areas are on alert: «The two integrated hospital-university companies, one Verona me Padua, and the province of Belluno, in particular Comelico, Cadore and Cortina ».
October 21, 2020 (change October 21, 2020 | 12:28)