Coronavirus, caregiver with a fever of 39 ° for days but without a buffer. Genoese family isolates itself and denounces: “Abandoned by all”


Genoa. The caregiver of disabled in-laws with high fever for several days: however, no one prescribes a tampon to the woman and a whole Genoese family is isolated as a precaution while waiting to be able to put a tampon at home, obviously for a fee.

The odyssey of a family, like the one they were told Genoa24 by Ferruccio Gatti, once again gives a measure of the frequency with which, even in a situation like the current one, which is not an emergency but with increasing infections, not enough is done to contain the spread of the virus.

here is the history:

On Monday night the caregiver of my in-laws, both with serious pathologies and disabled, calls us saying that she has a 39 fever. She calls her doctor because she’s not going to visit her out of fear and that’s why I tell her to call the medical guard.

The medical guard intervenes and I don’t know what Tachipirina will prescribe. On Tuesday the fever rises to 39.8: I tell her to call 112, which will send her back to the medical guard. Meanwhile, I take my in-laws, my wife and my daughters and from the beach house in Chiavari I take everyone back to Genoa and we isolate ourselves.

Obviously we had constant contact with the carer (of Albanian nationality) who came to the house. My wife teaches in public school to support the severely disabled, my daughters go to school, I am a runner.
No one deigns to rub the caregiver and then I pick up the phone and call the Chiavari doctor who follows the woman and tell her how it is possible that she does not rub the caregiver: she replies that it didn’t seem the case.

On Wednesday night the medical guard who administers I don’t know what to the caregiver intervenes again and luckily on Thursday the fever goes down. Nobody prescribes the tampon and then I call Albaro’s laboratory and ask for a tampon for my family at home (they will come next Wednesday) at a cost of 60 euros multiplied by 6 people.

Meanwhile, we are in panic: nobody rubs the caregiver and according to the Chiavari doctor we could go out, send the daughters to school and my wife go to teach and I go to the office, but if we were sure how many people we could infect?

And my seriously ill in-laws are waiting for the Russian roulette countdown. I also called 112 who told me that if the tampon is not prescribed the doctor will not come to do it. If we are in Liguria like this there will be no escape, we cannot talk to anyone, we are left alone.
