Coronavirus Campania, De Luca closes schools and universities. Stop weddings and parties


Governor’s Order Vincenzo De Luca: schools and universities closed from tomorrow (except for freshmen in this case), they stop weddings, communions, baptisms and other ceremonies and even private parties (only family members can participate). There is no takeout after 9pm for restaurants and pubs. The activities of the recreational and recreational clubs are suspended. The decision was made after the increase in new Covid19 infections in Campania, which today have exceeded a thousand. The President of the Region had already announced new restrictive measures in Campania if the limit of 1,000 positives per day was exceeded. The worrying thing is not only the increase in infections in absolute numbers, also linked to the increase in the number of tampons analyzed (these days those manufactured in private centers have also been added), but above all the increase in the rate of positivity.

Coronavirus Campania, order of De Luca

Governor Vincenzo De Luca had already announced extraordinary containment measures for Covid last week. The Crisis Unit for the Coronavirus emergency in Campania in a note confirmed that “aordinance, signed by President Vincenzo De Luca – which will be broadcast shortly – which contains more measures to contain and prevent Covid-19 infection. In relation to the existing epidemiological situation, strict measures have been adopted with the dual objective of minimize dangerous meeting circumstances in all areas, private and public, and with the aim of minimize mobility difficult to control. These are the main measures adopted:

  • Due to the very high level of contagion also registered in families and derived from contacts in the school world, in primary and secondary schools am Face-to-face didactic and educational activities suspended from October 16 to 30.
  • am suspended didactic activities and verification in presence at the college, except for those relating to first-year students.
  • am forbidden parties, also consistent with civil or religious ceremonies, in public places, open public and private, indoors or outdoors, with guests who are not part of the cohabiting family.
  • am suspension of recreational and recreational club activities.
  • A recommendation is made to the competent Bodies and Offices of differentiate daily service hours of the personnel present.
  • To all catering establishments it does sales ban with take-out food after 9:00 p.m.. Delivery is allowed without time limits.

These measures are in addition to those already provided in recent previous ordinances, starting with the obligation to wear a mask decided two weeks ago.
