Coronavirus Campania, curfew for the ‘stupid party’ of Halloween. De Luca in the Independiente


The online newspaper headlines precisely on De Luca’s expression (“Huge and stupid Americanism”) and on the decision of the president of the Campania region to “close everything” at 10:00 pm.

The president of the Campania Region Vincenzo De Luca is once again commented on by the statements in unequivocal terms about the measures to be taken to contain the coronavirus infection (LIVE – UPDATES IN CAMPANIA). After De Luca’s appeal to the students of Campania also relaunched by Naomi Campbell, this time it is the British newspaper The Independent that takes up the words of the Governor of Campania, who defines Halloween, a very popular pagan holiday in the Anglo-Saxon world, a “stupid American” and a “monument to imbecility”.

The online newspaper headlines precisely on De Luca’s expression (“Huge stupid Americanism”) and on the decision of the president of the Campania Region to impose a curfew on the weekend of October 31 to avoid the organization of parties. The Independent recalls that De Luca signed a curfew at 10 p.m. on the weekend, and how “in March he threatened to send the police with the flamethrower to stop the parties of university students while the pandemic raged.”
