Coronavirus, Calabria red zone but the Rt index falls to 1.6


News less negative than those learned last week for Calabria in front of the Rt index that falls from 1.8 to 1.6 in the last monitoring bulletin of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and the Ministry of Health, relative to the week 26 October-1 of november If these data are maintained or further decreased in the data that will be released on Monday, November 16 and will photograph the situation of last week (November 2-8), Calabria could become the “orange zone”. But it is still too early to make any predictions.

Here in detail the Rt index region by region based on data from the ISS-Ministry of Health published in the last monitoring:

  1. Lombardy 2.08
  2. Basilicata 1.99
  3. Piedmont 1.97
  4. Molise 1.88
  5. Autonomous Province of Bolzano 1.87
  6. Emilia Romagna 1.63
  7. Autonomous Province of Trento 1.61
  8. Friuli VG 1.60
  9. Calabria 1.60
  10. Campania 1.57
  11. Apulia 1.57
  12. Veneto 1.56
  13. Abruzzo 1.54
  14. Aosta Valley 1.54
  15. Umbria 1.53
  16. Tuscany 1.53
  17. Liguria 1.48
  18. Sicily 1.40
  19. Lazio 1.36
  20. Sardinia 1.24
  21. Walk 1.29