find one strategy for reopen l ‘Italy. This is the goal of several experts, led by Robert Burioni. The virologist, on his website. doctor DataIn fact, he has published a real proposal “To gradually return to our usual life.”
The advice is to create “one structure flexible monitoring and response, MRF, of SARS-CoV-2 infection and the resulting disease (Covid-19) and, possibly, in the future, of other epidemics. “
This structure, articulated at the regional level, would be coordinated by the protection civilof ministry of health and ofHigher Institute of Health.
Experts point out 5 features general that the structure must have.
First, you will need skills and resources to be able to perform “many thousands“Of test per week virological and serological. Test to which the population must submit asymptomatic if there were signs of new outbreaks.
So there must be a “structure of surveillance up-to-date central at ISS, which is responsible for both timely data analysis’quasi-real“Both of its presentation by the Ministry of Health, regularly directly to the government, Parliament and supranational health organizations.”
Burioni and the other signatories advise increasing vigilance. epidemiological in the different regions through “peripheral capillary diffusion monitoring centers throughout the territory and with the development of” epidemic intelligence “systems, which detect any ignition signal early sprouts epidemic“
Along with these characteristics that point in fact to very close monitoring, two others that deviate from the concept of surveillance instead.
A prompt response is requested in case of virus return signs, “including ways to isolation Social (suspension of activities, sporting events, schools), management of infected and contacts (also implemented through the use of appropriate technologies including smartphones and applications as already tested in Singapore and Korea), improved specifications health facilities“
Finally, the aspect of communication: the advice is to share one strategy communicative “With the Order of Journalists and the main national newspapers, as well as the main public and private newspapers of radio and television to avoid potential damages bothalarmism exaggerated that underestimation easy comes or even holocaust denier“
Burioni and the other experts point out that “the strengthening of the surveillance-response system at the health level must be accompanied by a general plan to limit the risk of triggering epidemic outbreaks in the workplace and in the school education system. This plan must foresee a deep restructuring of procedures and activities. “At least until the arrival of a vaccine.
NEWS FROM VIRGILIO | 04-14-2020 19:26

Photo source: Ansa