There are 51 new positives in Liguria, of the 3,204 swabs performed, according to the Region’s bulletin of Wednesday, September 30, 2020, which reports 13,335 total positive cases since the beginning of the emergency, of which 11,526 are symptomatic. The province with the highest number of positives is Genoa with 1,364, followed by La Spezia, where the positives are 1,098; 202 and 187 those of the provinces of Savona and Imperia respectively. There are 105 positive people residing in Liguria, but outside the region, while 237 swabs are being tested.
There are 165 hospitalized patients, 22 of whom are in intensive care, while in home isolation, that is, in therapy within the walls of the house, there are 1,574 people. Twenty-nine new cured, for a total of 8,538 since the beginning of the emergency out of a total of 13,335 sick people. The total number of victims is 1,604: the last one is a 56-year-old man who died on September 25 at the Galliera hospital in Genoa.
As for the subjects under active surveillance, that is, monitored because they are contacted by cases, in the territory of Asl 1 there are 408, in that of Asl 2 instead of 451, 534 those of Asl 3, 154 in Asl 4, 702 in Asl 5.
There are 51 new positives in Liguria out of 3,204 swabs. This is the detail:
- Asl 1, 3: 1 confirmed case contact and 2 detection activities
- Asl 2, 3: 1 confirmed case contact, 1 detection activity and 1 social and health facility
- Asl 3, 37: 2 social and health structures, 18 contacts of confirmed cases and 17 detection activities
- Asl 5, 8: 4 confirmed case contact and 4 detection activities.
The ASL specification does not refer to the residence of the persons but to the territorial headquarters of the laboratories where the swab was reported.
“The situation in Liguria – said the President of the Region Giovanni Toti – is one of absolute control and management of what happens. Today’s data reassures me: today we registered only 51 positives out of 3204 swabs, a sign that our detection capacity is increasing day by day in our region. That matters a lot to us, as we are concerned about the experimentation of fast tampons that will begin tomorrow in the historic center and that will then continue in schools.
“I was in constant contact with our medical care, with the ASL directors and our working group – Toti added – to unravel the entire system that we are also preparing in the city of Genoa with the ASL3 presidium that will be active in the historic center for quick swabs to the population. Today there are 37 new positives in Asl3 and this, given the high number of tampons, gives us great comfort and gives us good hope that we have also circumscribed the cluster of the historic center. “
Regarding La Spezia, President Toti stressed that “the new positives today are only 8: without singing victory and without useless triumphalism, I must congratulate all the professionals of the Offices of Hygiene and Prevention, Asl5, Covid of the Sarzana hospital , to the nurses who also worked on the Genoa road to the mobile clinic for case monitoring and to all those who worked to circumscribe that cluster that made us spend a few hours out of breath but which we checked again on the patrol. a few weeks and of this I am particularly proud.
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Regarding the situation of the hospitals, the governor explained that “hospital pressure has not increased, hospitalizations have not changed compared to yesterday, with 165 hospitalized throughout Liguria, including 22 patients in intensive care. Even the situation in Genoa, about which someone was still speculating today, is totally under control: I have listened several times to Dr. Gratarola, who coordinates emergency-urgency services and therefore intensive care and we have 2 hospitalized in Galliera and 11 in San Martino. five of which moved in recent days from La Spezia. Even at Asl5 we are substantially stable in intensive care. Then President Toti offered his condolences to the relatives of the deceased a few days ago in the Galliera, registered today after all the necessary investigations by the covid-19.