The updated situation of the coronavirus emergency in Italy: numbers and data on infections, cures and deaths in our country
the Civil protection today launched at 6 pm on Friday, May 8, the new newsletter on the spread of the coronavirus in Italy. According to the updated data, they are 87961 the coronavirus patients in ItalyIt was down at 1,663 compared to Thursday. Yesterday, the decrease had been 1,904 units.
They went up to 99023 the healed of the coronavirus in Italy, with an increase of 2,747 compared to Thursday, when the patients discharged and recovered were 3,031.
30 thousand have been exceeded victims for the coronavirus in Italy: deaths have in fact increased to 30201, an increase of 243 in one day. On Thursday, the increase in deaths was 274.
the Total infected with coronavirus in Italythat is, the currently positive, the victims and the healed are 217185 with an increase compared to Thursday of 1,327. Yesterday the increase had been 1,401.
Stocks decline continues today admitted to intensive care for coronaviruses: they are 1168 patients in wards, 143 fewer than Thursday. In Lombardy there are 400, 80 less than yesterday.
People hospitalized with symptoms they are 14636, with a decrease of 538 compared to yesterday. Finally they are 72157 people at home isolation, 982 less than yesterday.
Lombardy recorded 634 more cases of coronavirus than on Thursday. They are just under 50% of the daily increase in all of Italy, which today marked 1,327 cases. The total infected also includes victims and healed.
the swabs made they are 2445063, an increase of 63,775 compared to Thursday. the buffered people they are 1608985.
Coronavirus, positive cases in Italy region by region
In detail, according to the data published by Civil Protection, the currently positive cases are 31,983 in Lombardy (-32), 14,107 in Piedmont (-362), 7,730 in Emilia-Romagna (-281), 6,187 in Veneto (-347), 4,592 in Tuscany (-124), 3,176 in Liguria (-72), 4,328 in Lazio (-20), 3,238 in the Marches (-9), 2,012 in Campania (-127), 872 in the autonomous province of Trento (- 38), 2,733 in Apulia (-67), 2,127 in Sicily (+0), 911 in Friuli Venezia Giulia (-16), 1,713 in Abruzzo (-57), 502 in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano (-49), 119 in Umbria (-22), 553 in Sardinia (-30), 123 in Valle d’Aosta (-7), 619 in Calabria (-14), 152 in Basilicata (-3), 184 in Molise (+14).
Coronavirus, deaths in Italy region by region
As for the victims, 14,839 (+94), Piedmont 3,305 (+23), Emilia Romagna 3,797 (+31), Veneto 1,627 (+38), Tuscany 930 (+15), Liguria 1,265 (+11), Lazio found in Lombardy. 549 (+6), Marche 954 (+6), Campania 386 (+7), Autonomous Province of Trento 438 (+0), Puglia 443 (+2), Sicily 253 (+2), Friuli Venezia Giulia 308 (+ 0), Abruzzo 351 (+3), Autonomous Province of Bolzano 289 (+3), Umbria 71 (+1), Sardinia 119 (+0), Valle d’Aosta 139 (+0), Calabria 90 (+1), Basilicata 26 (+0), Molise 22 (+0).
NEWS FROM VIRGILIO | 05-08-2020 18:08
Photo source: Ansa