Venice, December 28, 2020 – Veneto rose to the top of the unenviable ranking of regions for coronavirus infections: even today there are 2,782 new coronavirus cases discovered in the region led by Luca Zaia. Current positives continue to rise, reaching 90.942 (+921). Increase the number of passed away, which today are 69 more (yesterday they were 52). The healed are growing: today 1,792.
Covid Veneto vaccine: Zaia in Treviso. Chrysanti is concerned about rising infections
Covid admissions in Veneto
The data that worries the most is the pressure on Venetian hospitals. Even today there are 73 new hospitalizations (for a total of 3,394). In the non-critical area there are 3,007 patients (+77), of which 2,696 positive (+70) and 311 recovered (+7). I am 387 the people admitted to intensive care (-4), of which 355 positive (-5) and 32 negative (+1).
The increase in infections in Veneto
The increase in infections in Veneto is not related to the English variant. The virologist is convinced of this Andrea Crisanti, who spoke in ‘L’aria che tira’ in La7. “Veneto has so far made 36 complete sequences” of the virus “and none correspond to the English variant – explained the expert, director of the Laboratory of Microbiology and Virology at the Padua hospital and professor of Microbiology at the city’s university. they have sequenced ‘pieces’ of virus, and it seems that some share mutations, this does not mean that we are in the presence of the English variant and that this is responsible for the infections in Veneto ”.
For Crisanti the numbers in the region “are linked to the yellow zone, with greater movement of people which favors the transmission of the virus. The more people get sick, the more people die, as a probability. The other element is related to quick swabs, which have a low sensitivity and have allowed to infect RSA “.
“The focus was on quick swabs, RSA staff were ‘screened’ with quick swabs, and at RSA we have unprecedented infections,” added the virologist. “The more tampons you make, theoretically, the more you break the chain of transmission, but this should be followed by the decrease in cases and deaths. Here we have a unprecedented increase in cases and deaths“, he highlighted.
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