Coronavirus bulletin, almost a thousand new infections. Housing blocks are growing 10%


Piedmont falls from third to fourth place in terms of the number of new infections in Italy, but the epidemic wave shows no signs of slowing down. Today the Crisis Unit of the Piedmont Region reported almost a thousand new cases, 972 to be precise compared to 821 yesterday. The new outbreak seems to be that of Residences for the elderly, which have gone from 19 cases on Wednesday to 76 today. However, fortunately, new infections in the school environment fall below two hundred infected (today 162), while those of the general population continue to grow (+764). The majority of new cases appear to be asymptomatic, making it difficult to identify positives if you are not behind a swab, a test that, as we have repeatedly written, sees Piedmont labs quite backward compared to other regions.

The provincial distribution of the infection is as follows:

The new wave has not yet massively affected health facilities. The situation of hospitalizations in intensive care remains almost unchanged (51, +8 compared to yesterday) and that of ordinary wards (701, +3 compared to yesterday). However, home isolation, which has always been the first phase before the attack on hospitals, is growing worryingly. In the last 24 hours we have gone from 7,357 to 8,128 with an increase of more than 10%.

The bulletin also records two deaths (a total of 4,196 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic) and 112 recovered (545 of which are considered to be on the road to recovery having obtained a negative first swab but still awaiting the result of the second) .

Speaking of swabs, 11,066 were tested today. We are in line with the provisions of the Decree of the Prime Minister of April 26, which provides for the need for 250 tampons per day for every 100,000 inhabitants. But we are still far from the capacity reported by the Piedmont laboratories (13,000 swabs) and the announcement of the Piedmont Region (20,000). 4,573 people were tested across the region.
