Hungary will close its borders from September 1 to stop the spread of the coronavirus. This was announced by the Budapest government. The measure will be adopted to respond to the significant increase in Covid infections in recent days, Deputy Prime Minister Gergely Gulyas announced after a government meeting. “No foreign national will be able to enter Hungary from that day, with some exceptions yet to be specified,” he added. Hungarians returning from abroad will have to submit two negative tests, otherwise they will have to remain in quarantine for two weeks. According to Gulyas, the increase in infections is produced by traffic with foreign countries and is determined by the return of Hungarians from vacation and by foreign travelers who bring the virus to the country.
Orban closes borders – Viktor Orban spoils team play again: he will close the Hungarian borders from 1 September. And the announcement comes a few hours after Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron reiterated that they did not want to do it in their own countries, cultivating the idea of European coordination in the reaction to the new Coronavirus rebound. “Closing the borders would be useless if not counterproductive”, in the words of the head of the Elysee, who also has to deal with an unexpected boom in infections in France (more than 7,000 in the last 24 hours), so much so as not to exclude another blockade in the whole country as it did until a few days ago.
But in Budapest they think differently, even if they try to save the European Super Cup: in the Hungarian capital in three weeks time the match between Bayern Munich and Sevilla is scheduled for what should be the first open-door match (although with limited places , 20 thousand spectators compared to a capacity of 68 thousand). Those arriving from abroad can be taken directly from the airport to the stadium and then returned. However, the daily increase in infections agitates the governments of half Europe and was the main subject of the usual annual meeting of the German chancellor with the press. Merkel did not deny at all that she was worried: “We have months ahead that are worse than the summer ones,” she warned. “The situation is still serious, take it seriously.” However, the chancellor has also set clear objectives: Germany does not want to close its borders, much less schools. In the country that first reopened them in Europe, Merkel’s signal was clear: we must make sure that “children are not the losers in this pandemic,” he said. “The school must not leave anyone behind.” In Germany there are around 1,500 new cases every day and federal and local administrators watch the curve unfold with declared apprehension. It will not be possible to return to normal behavior before the arrival of the vaccine and the appropriate medications, repeated the Chancellor, who did not hide an iota of pessimism: after the pandemic nothing “will be the same”, the virus has given us a severe test, even from the existential point of view ”. In any case, she interrupted, “unlike the financial crisis, where we knew that the recapitalization of banks would return to reasonable economic levels, we do not know when this pandemic will end.”