Coronavirus, Boris Johnson: contingency plans if the virus killed him


LONDON – Between tears and excitement, Boris Johnson said he was on the verge of death at St Thomas Hospital in London, where he had been hospitalized a few weeks ago because he was hit by Covid-19. “It was a bad time, I will not deny it,” said the prime minister. Sun sunday, tabloid to the one who gave the first and so far only interview on the disease. “They had a strategy to deal with a scenario similar to Stalin,” he admitted, referring to how to handle the news of a possible death from the media’s perspective.

“It wasn’t quite right and the doctors had a plan on how to act if things went wrong,” said the prime minister, adding that I had my way with the doctors, Nick Price and Nick Hart, from whom Wilfred was born, The son. last week he owes him his third name, but especially thanks to the nurses who have been by his side for 48 hours in a row constantly monitoring the oxygenation of the blood.

With the transfer from the UCI, the worst moment came. “The damn values ​​kept going in the wrong direction,” the prime minister explained. Doctors have considered the opportunity to connect it to a respirator, a step that would have necessitated pharmacological coma. “I wondered, how am I going to get out of that?”

[Il Corriere ha creato una newsletter sul coronavirus – e la fase 2. È gratis: ci si iscrive qui]

The seriousness of the situation surprised him first. “It is hard to believe that my health has deteriorated so quickly,” he said. He continued working after the diagnosis, although he was not feeling well at all. “I was frustrated, I didn’t understand why I wasn’t improving.” When the doctors indicated that hospitalization was needed, Johnson initially replied that he did not want to go to the hospital. The doctors insisted: they were right. After a first visit, Johnson donned an oxygen mask. “I received liters of liters of oxygen.” He is moved to remember the nurses, whom he had already thanked when he was discharged. “I am moved when I think about it …” she said, her eyes wet with tears. “I have received excellent care, he said, impressive, moving.”

In 55 years, everything has broken, he emphasized, but he had never dealt with his own mortality.. “I broke my nose, a finger, my wrist, a rib. I broke almost everything. Some different things vote. But I have never had a serious illness like this. “Having seen the effects of the virus up close, he is cautious about the reopening of the country.” Many people have suffered, so many families still face moments of great anxiety. motivates me to end people’s suffering? “, I answer, of course I do. But I also have an overwhelming desire to get the whole country back on its feet, to see it healthy, to move on.”

May 3, 2020 (change May 3, 2020 | 14:38)

