This morning, commenting on a new and worrying peak – 4058 cases in Germany registered in the last 24 hours – the Christian Democratic politician spoke of “ignorant behavior” about the capital. And even Frankfurt, like Berlin, exceeded the threshold of 50 infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the space of seven days.

Coronavirus in the world, 18,000 infected in France in one day, the emergency plan is activated in four cities. GB, 17,540 cases in 24 hours. More deaths than from flu and pneumonia
The new shoots, between weddings and parties
On the web, wedding photos circulate without worry, agencies publish reports of illegal gatherings in parks, forbidden parties, widespread passive resistance to the restrictions that still exist. And the rest of the country is watching the ‘Berlin case’ with growing suspicion. Some lands have already imposed mandatory buffers and quarantine and even a ban on overnight stays for those who come in particular from four districts of the capital, two of which are those of students and nightlife.

Coronavirus in Germany, Merkel: “The next few months will continue to be difficult”
In general, some lands have independently decided to impose restrictions on those who come from risk areas. Not a detail, in the proximity of the autumn holidays, when millions of Germans move with their families because school stops for two weeks. Meanwhile, in Germany and beyond, many are beginning to understand the recent nervousness of Angela Merkel.
The “prophecy of Angela Merkel”
Ten days ago, when the chancellor drew a chilling scenario during the closed-door meeting with her party, speaking of possible 19,200 cases a day in December, a great controversy broke out in the country.
That number, with about two thousand registered infections in those days, seemed completely exaggerated. Germany was a different planet, compared to neighboring France or Spain. Merkel then acted in the role of full sugar in an impeccable mathematical explanation of the double beat. And the controversy died there. But she didn’t seem to calm down, quite the contrary. And the country did not seem to hear it. Still.

Coronavirus in Germany, Merkel: “The growth of infections is worrying.” And it’s a clash with the governors
On September 30, the Chancellor went to the Bundestag and made a heartfelt appeal to the Germans “not to frustrate all that we have achieved so far.” He spoke directly to them: “Let’s talk,” he said in an unusually emotional tone. But in numbers they continued to accelerate. And the Chancellor’s internal tension jumped in the eyes of European partners as well, late last week. To the European Council, when Giuseppe Conte Getting too close to her, Merkel jumped back a little. The video went viral, it made many smile.

Playing now ….
But a week later, now that the infections have already doubled, the desire to smile passes to everyone. Also, there is a disturbing survey published by the time which shows that there is a certain fatigue among the Germans with regard to containment measures.
More than half no longer comply with the rules of distancing, almost half have begun to shake hands, hug, kiss again, not even 40% continue to wash their hands as they should. At this rate, the Chancellor’s haunting prophecy, if awareness is not spread, as Spahn noted this morning, that “we cannot lose control” is likely to come true.