“It will be a very difficult March. The third wave that has already hit Germany, England, France, is hitting a part of Italy, including Emilia-Romagna.” Governor Stefano Bonaccini said this to “Non è la D’Urso” in Canale 5. “I have a duty to make decisions. We are here to listen, to discuss with everyone. Problems and tragedies, he has a duty to decide.” And therefore we will be prepared for any restriction to protect people and lower the curve that is rising very strongly and then have spring and summer that can go better.
Bologna, boom in infections. The RT is from the red zone
by Rosario di Raimondo
“We have an explosion of infections” among the youngest and “it had never happened in a year. For the first time she is hospitalized in intensive care, in Bologna, grave, an eleven year old boy. I didn’t sleep at night, “he added. Children and little ones “most do not have serious problems, but they go home and spread it to their families. In Emilia-Romagna we have a strong return of hospitalized patients in intensive care and covid wards. I have always defended the school, but I have the first duty to protect people’s health ”.
Coronavirus Emilia Romagna, today’s newsletter February 28: 2610 infections and 22 deaths
Speaking of the proposals that the CTS will deliver to the government, Bonaccini added: “One of the novelties must be that in the red areas it is closed from the primary schools and not only from sixth grade to high school. And also in the orange areas where the the contagion is very high, more than 250 infections per 100,000 inhabitants, and where transmission in the last week is very high, decisions can be made ”, as has happened in some ‘dark orange’ areas.