Coronavirus Bologna today, Covid newsletter November 7. Cases down, but 5 more deaths


Bologna, November 7, 2020 – Ancora in a slight decrease in the number of infections gives Coronavirus in the province of Bologna. According to what emerged from the bulletin released by the Region today, November 7, the new cases of Covid in the metropolitan area (Imola excluded) are 437 (yesterday 478, the day before 599), of which 198 symptomatic.

The Covid focus, the situation in Emilia Romagna

The trend of positive cases in the municipalities of the Bologna area

Covid, victims and intensive care in Bologna

Five deaths: 3 men, of which two have 73 and one 88, and 2 women have 97 and 94. Bologna is confirmed as the first province of Emilia-Romagna by number of infections. People admitted intensive care go up to 62 (+1).

From the beginning of the emergency until today, the cases of positivity to Covid-19 in the metropolitan area have reached a height 13,688.

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New cases and intensive care in the Imola district

To these we must add the 1,344 in the Imola area, where today there are another 40 positives (yesterday 57), of which 23 are symptomatic.
The patients diagnosed in Imola but transferred to intensive care in Bologna rise to 5 (+1), while go up to 28 (+6) i admissions in the ward of the Maria della Scaletta hospital.

The provincial map

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