Coronavirus Bologna and the rest of Emilia Romagna, today’s newsletter, November 30


More than 393 new infections in Bologna and 2,041 in Emilia-Romagna in the last 24 hours, out of a total of 10,992 swabs. Since the start of the Coronavirus outbreak, 123,073 positive cases have been registered in the region. The percentage of new positives on the number of manufactured tampons is 18.5%, the current average age is 48.1 years.

The contagion situation in Bologna

Of the 393 cases in the province of Bologna, 155 swabs for the presence of symptoms, 5 were identified by contact tracing, 2 by tests for the highest risk categories, while for 231 new positives the epidemiological investigation is still in process.
Among the 393 new infections, 321 are sporadic and 72 are inserted into family outbreaks. Finally, 1 case is from outside the region, while no case is imported from abroad.

3 deaths, all in the Imola area: a 94-year-old woman and 2 59 and 87-year-old men.

Contagions and deaths: the situation in the territories

Modena continues to lead with 471 new cases; followed by Bologna (393), Rimini (262), Reggio Emilia (222). Then Ravenna (182), Parma (140), Ferrara (95), Piacenza (57). Then Imola (118), Forlì (54) and Cesena (47).

There are 39 new deaths: 6 in the province of Piacenza (3 women – 42, 72, 92 – and 3 men, 68, 75 and 82 years old); 2 in Parma (a man of 86 and a woman of 88); 7 in Reggio Emilia (2 women, respectively 66 and 90 years old, and 5 men: 2 71 years, the other 84, 86, 88 years); 7 in Modena (2 women, respectively 86 and 90 years old, and 5 men: 66, 81, 88 and 2 86 years old), 3 in Bologna; 4 in the Ferrara area (all women: 81, 93 and 2, 88 years old); 3 in the province of Forlì-Cesena (an 88-year-old woman and 2 men, respectively 86 and 96 years old); 6 in Rimini (4 women – respectively 90, 91, 92 and 94 years old – and 2 men, 86 and 93 years old). There are no deaths in Ravenna. In addition, the death of a non-Emilia-Romagna resident was recorded in Ferrara: it is a 70-year-old person from Occhiobello (Rovigo).

In total, there have been 5,753 deaths in the region since the start of the epidemic.

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Tampons, hospitalizations, active cases and cures

In Emilia-Romagna, 1,189 are asymptomatic identified in the context of regional contact tracing and detection activities. Overall, 390 of the new positives were already isolated at the time of swab execution, 345 were identified within known foci.

Of the 1,189 asymptomatic patients, 456 were identified through contact tracing, 88 through tests by risk categories introduced by the Region, 25 through serological screening, and 8 through pre-hospital tests. The epidemiological investigation is still ongoing for 612 cases.

In the last 24 hours, 10,992 swabs were made, for a total of 2,120,489. To these there are also 1,123 serological tests.

Active cases, that is, actual patients, are currently 71,734 (+1,505 compared to yesterday). Of these, people isolated at home, that is, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or are asymptomatic, are 68,730 (+1,414) in total, 95.8% of the total number of active cases.

There are 249 patients admitted to intensive care (+4 compared to yesterday), 2,755 those from the rest of the Covid departments (+87).

In the area, patients admitted to intensive care are distributed as follows: 14 in Piacenza (+1 compared to yesterday), 15 in Parma (+2), 34 in Reggio Emilia (no change), 59 in Modena (-1), 56 in Bologna (no change), 4 in Imola (no change), 20 in Ferrara (+1), 16 in Ravenna (+1), 6 in Forlì (no change), 3 in Cesena ( +1) and 22 in Rimini (-1).

As for the total number of people cured, they are 497 more than yesterday and reached 45,586.

These are the cases of positivity in the area since the beginning of the epidemic, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 12,463 in Piacenza (+57 compared to yesterday, of which 18 symptomatic), 10,393 in Parma (+140, of which 89 symptomatic), 17,602 in Reggio Emilia (+222 of which 136 symptomatic), 22,448 in Modena (+471, of which 132 symptomatic), 24,053 in Bologna ( +393, ​​of which 155 symptomatic), 3,526 cases in Imola (+118, of which 46 symptomatic), 6,036 in Ferrara (+95, of which 17 symptomatic), 8,062 in Ravenna (+182, of which of which 64 symptomatic), 4,538 in Forlì (+54, of which 36 were symptomatic), 3,932 in Cesena (+47, of which 32 were symptomatic) and 10,020 in Rimini (+262, of which 127 were symptomatic).

Trend of the epidemic in the municipalities of the Bologna area

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