Coronavirus, Bologna: 10 positive students after an Erasmus party | Milan, asymptomatic positive in the test fails on the Linate-Rome flight


Immediate controls and location of contacts for epidemiological controls. Paolo Pandolfi, director of the Bologna Department of Public Health, a Republic explains: “In our opinion, the boys involved did not bring the virus from Spain but they contracted it here. I want to make an appeal: you have to be careful. It is not a holiday season. Open, with few people and in maximum security conditions.”

Positive in Covid test, does not board the Linate-Rome flight – Meanwhile in Milan, a traveler who had to board Alitalia’s 10am Covid free flight from Milan Linate to Rome tested positive on the rapid test. Airport sources report this. The passenger, who had arrived in time to undergo the test and was asymptomatic, received the swab and returned home in isolation.
