
Berlusconi positive for covid, the infection may have started with his daughter Barbara in Capri
“President Berlusconi – reads a note from the staff -, after the appearance of some symptoms, he was hospitalized in the San Raffale hospital in Milan as a precaution. The clinical picture does not cause concern”. Senator Licia Ronzulli, speaking with Agorà on Raitre, informed him that the internment took place last night: “Berlusconi spent the night in the hospital. After a morning that started a little badly, now he’s fine, he spent the night well. A small preventive hospitalization was needed to monitor the progress of Covid-19. “
It is not clear where the infection may have occurred, even if the prevailing hypothesis is that it occurred on Capri during a meeting with the children.

Silvio Berlusconi positive for Covid. The nightmare began in August, then the escape to Milan and the tampons.