Coronavirus Basilicata, the 3 thousand daily tests were a fairy tale: 29 new positives in 610 swabs


According to the summary summary of this morning at 10 in the morning in 610 swabs analyzed there are 29 positives. The incidence of positivity in the analyzed tests fell to 4.7%, yesterday it was 7.9% and the day before yesterday to 8.7% yesterday. So the trend for at least the past three days confirms a downward trend in the contagion curve. The data refer to yesterday, December 20, 2020. The 2 or 3 thousand daily swabs announced in October by Bardi now seem far from reality.

Positive residents, 25: 6 Avigliano; 1 mountain toast (domiciled in Potenza); 1 Genzano di Lucania (residing in Potenza); 1 broom; 5 sink; 1 Marsico Nuovo; 1 Palace of San Gervasio; 4 Power; 4 Stigliano; 1 Tolve

55 the healed. 216 the number of victims from the beginning of the pandemic to the present.

The number of hospitalized patients drops to 99, of which 8 are in intensive care

In the next few hours we will make an update with the complete data provided by the regional working group.

However, the feeling is that we are in the presence of a generalized relaxation due to the lack of strategies capable of analyzing the current epidemiological phase and its risks, the absence of objectives to be achieved, fatigue and confusion of the “troops at the front” .
