Coronavirus Basilicata. 1106 swabs, 103 infections: the positive curve begins to decline again


Today’s processing in tests conducted yesterday December 11. 103 positives. 1106 pads. These are the main data reported in the synthetic summary extracted this morning at 10.

53 people recovered, while 1 died. The most important data of the day is that the positive curve begins to descend and remains below the 10% threshold: 13.7% the positivity index yesterday, 9.3% today. However, the downward trend has stabilized over the last week, but the number of positive cases is still significant.

138 are hospitalized, 14 in intensive care.

Meanwhile, since Sunday December 13, Basilicata is in the yellow zone, but this does not want to lower its guard.

At the national level, the Gimbe Foundation invites us not to lower our guard.

In the last week -explains the report of the Foundation- the evident slowdown of the infection has been confirmed. However, attention must remain high because we are in a very delicate phase of the epidemic and there are several elements that can trigger the third wave:

  • with more than 700,000 positive cases currently, it is impossible to resume contact tracing;
  • the winter months favor the spread of all respiratory viruses;
  • until mid-January it is not possible to know if the impact of the flu will be, as expected, more limited than in previous seasons;
  • reaching that point with saturated hospitals could have disastrous consequences for people’s health and lives;
  • On the eve of the Christmas holidays, all the Regions begin to turn yellow, a color that should not be understood as a green light but which requires compliance with strict regulations to avoid gatherings and minimize social contacts between people who do not live together.

In the most optimistic forecast, adequate protection at the population level can only be achieved in the fall of 2021 with a massive participation of people in the vaccination campaign.
