Coronavirus, Ats sends operational suggestions for the reopening to schools –


Coronavirus, Ats sends operational suggestions for reopening to schools

A school

(Photo by Ansa)

  • Tuesday 01 September 2020

The “Guidance document in support of the schools of the province of Bergamo for the start of the school year 2020/2021” is released today, Tuesday, September 1, by the Agency for the Protection of Health of Bergamo to the directors of the different complexes. “The document, prepared by the working group of the Department of Hygiene and Sanitary Prevention (DIPS) of Ats Bergamo, collects the aspects of prevention, protection and health surveillance useful to reduce the risk of transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the field. school. It is also the result of the experience acquired with the final exams “, explains Dr. Lucía Antonioli, director of DIPS.

The group, a dozen specialists from the Prevention Department, has prepared specific interventions that allow the start of the school year and the management of schools at all levels by the Rector and his staff, as well as by the owner of the property., summarizing and making the most important contents of the official documents published so far more understandable and usable – says Dr. Sergio Piazzolla, a reference for the initiative and the working group – We also remind school leaders of some of the protection requirements of security that already existed, because they are not only overwhelmed by the risk related to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but they also continue to control the other risk factors.

The document recalls and summarizes the health and hygiene aspects that must be ensured as far as possible even in new spaces and rooms for educational purposes (for example, what are the limits of use of basement rooms and what are the relationships aeroiluminants to guarantee), hygiene and disinfection aspects of the premises, methods for school restoration. It contains summary and updated information on the monitoring and management of suspected cases of Covid-19, on the procedure of assistance and removal of people with suspicious symptoms, on how schools and child care services can contact the staff of the Department of Prevention and Ats Sanitary Hygiene uses a dedicated email address to request information and advice. The procedure and skill of the figures involved are summarized in the very meaningful aspect of managing workers with fragility, remembering however that new and imminent ministerial indications are expected before the start of the school year.

“There is no lack of reflection on the emotional impact of going back to school and on the possible paths that Ats can offer in this regard, in addition to health promotion programs, which help teachers to stimulate and develop skills to the life of the students and that they can facilitate by overcoming the difficulties of the moment. The document is subject to updates in relation to the new ministerial and regional provisions related to the evolution of the epidemiological situation and the consequent legislative and health measures. As Ats, we thank the world of the school for the encouragement that the Provincial Directorate of the School has given us and for the dissemination they will give the document ”, concludes Dr. Antonioli.


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