Coronavirus, arrival of Dpcm: stop in gyms and contact sports, 75% smart work


Rome – At night the press conference of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte with the new measures to counter the pandemic – This morning the confrontation between the government and the regions

Giuseppe Conte

Giuseppe Conte

Rome – Stop for all festivals and public events. Restrictions for gyms and swimming pools. Contact with amateur sport and enhanced smart work are prohibited. These could be some of the measurements of the new Dpcm, planned for the night.

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte should present the rules to contain the spread of Covid-19 in Italy at a press conference tonight.

According to data from the Ministry of Health, the contagion curve in the country is experiencing a strong rebound and the executive asks for the cooperation of citizens.

In the morning there will also be a government-regions confrontation to fine-tune the new measures. The Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, has convened a summit with the regions, Anci and Upi.

Anticipations about the measures of the new Dpcm remain indiscretions, but they give a first image of the rules that could come into force tomorrow.

Amateur contact sport will be prohibited. Gyms and swimming pools must be severely restricted or even closed.

Everything also stopped for events, festivals, fairs and congresses. In fact, the intention is to limit meetings in public places.

There should be a new adjustment to the takeout sales hours, maybe 6pm.

Instead, it ferments for the possible early closure of restaurants. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte would have asked for a stop at 11 at night, to guarantee the first evening shift at the tables, but the Democratic Party is asking for more caution with the closure at 10 at night. Instead, the CTS proposes to limit the number of diners. Thus, the hypothesis arises that the final decision can be left to the regions depending on the contagion curve in the territory.

At the moment, the idea of ​​a night curfew is excluded. The closing of theaters, cinemas, hairdressers and beauty centers has also been put aside.

The executive also focuses on smart work. The intention is to increase it to 75% and thus avoid direct contacts in the offices and reduce the presence of people in public transport.

For the school the hypothesis of the beginning of classes at 11 for the baccalaureate is envisioned. The government could also leave the decision to the regions on possible distance or alternative learning. One measure, however, that is being evaluated only for high school.

October 18, 2020
