Coronavirus, another 19 positives in Trentino. There are 7 active outbreaks but isolated infections are of concern


TRENTO. am 19 positive for coronavirus in the last hours in Trentino following 1794 swabs made. The figure was communicated during the press conference of the Executive at 12:30 p.m. and lowers the level of contagion / buffer all’1%. A figure in sharp decline compared to yesterday that had risen to 3.6% (there had been 72 new infections in 1,916 swabs analyzed) but in line with the last days (on Wednesday it was 1.3%).

The CEO is among today’s infections protempore dell’Apss Benetollo explained that there is someone second or third generation compared to outbreaks in the meat sector and that the different outbreaks linked to slaughterhouses with the new 5 cases, the total number of infected people amounts to 297 infections. Then there are the positive aspects related to the agroforestry world: at this time they were carried out on 1300 swabs in this compartment and the positivity is 2.9%. Currently, 7 outbreaks are active, 5 in the meat sector and 2 linked to other situations.

” There Cases where the drive chain cannot be rebuilt are a cause for concern. – Benetollo explained -. Curve dand 70 years does not show important changes and this is good, but we must continue to pay attention to this most exposed age group. The real difference between the current situation and the beginning of the pandemic is this. In March, the average age of those infected was 72 years. At the beginning of September he was 37 years old. This explains why the situation is favorable and different from that of a few months ago. But the virus has not changed. If the contagion curve of the elderly rises hospitalizations and complications will increase. ”

Among the positive aspects of today there are also 4 minors who were already at home therefore, there are no schools involved. Meanwhile in Bolzano they have registered 72 new infections in the last 24 hours. Two people remain in intensive care and 15 those hospitalized in normal hospital wards.
