Coronavirus and tourism, Franceschini: “In Europe, common rules for traveling, there is no unhealthy competition between countries”


Minister Darío Franceschini illustrates point by point the financial resources that the relaunch of dl assigns to two of the sectors most penalized by the emergency, tourism and culture, but only at the end does the reference to the protocols come, that operators and companies they hope to know when and how to get out “We are working with the Scientific Technical Committee and the associations of companies and managers, says the owner of Mibact, the protocols will contain prescriptive measures and recommendations. In other words, we will leave the Regions and managers in part to organize activities to ensure safety. ” .

But Franceschini, when closing, made indirect reference to the case of Germany, which reopened the borders but not Italy and Spain. “Italy’s individual initiatives, with several bilateral talks with the European Commissioner for Tourism and with several individual state ministers, with written documents calling for uniform rules at the European level for crossing borders of tourists, to avoid are agreements bilateral between countries. This is the commitment of the European Union and what we must support. It is clear that then there will be full monitoring of epidemiological data in individual regions and in individual countries, but it seems to me that the Union is going in this direction that is, of common rules and not of unhealthy competition between individual countries. “

Regarding the shows, Franceschini specifies: “There will be stricter rules for what happens indoors, less for outdoor events. Those who organized indoor shows may reconsider the investment in improving the squares and the many Italian venues. they can be rediscovered. It can be a creative summer to experiment in different ways. “



In the 55 billion relaunch decree, aid for companies and work

“There will be continuous monitoring during the restart – the minister stresses – both the economic support measures and the health security measures will be gradually remodeled and differentiated according to how the various sectors will resume, for this reason we are in constant contact with the However, what was done with the decree, he reiterates, is important. The crisis has shown that tourism and culture are of strategic importance and characterize the country’s system. ” Franceschini also announces that Parma, the European capital of culture in this unfortunate year, will continue to be so by 2021.

“Who knows if we will resume traditional press conferences,” Franceschini begins by going online. Then, he summarizes the values ​​of the economic measures with the help of slides: “We have 5 billion for interventions in the sector, divided between 4 billion for tourism and 1 billion for culture.” Then he begins to illustrate the vacation voucher, 2.4 million euros in a tax credit that “will help millions of families in proximity tourism.” “There are contributions of up to € 500 for vacationers in Italy. The contribution is € 150 for a single person, € 300 for a couple and € 500 for a family. This measure means introducing liquidity into accommodation facilities, including camps , agritourism, bed & breakfast, but whoever stays there will also support activities such as restaurants and commercial activities in the areas. ” In accordance with the plan of relocation and sustainability of tourism, the strength of Franceschini’s mandates, the minister announces 20 million to the tourism promotion fund for the improvement of lesser-known places.



Phase 2, shops, bars, restaurants and hairdressers: few in the interior, spaced and with reservation. Our new life

In addition to the tax measures (Irap exemption, 60% of rental tax credit, 60% of tax credit for expenses incurred for sanitation, exemption from the tax on public occupation of land and suspension of social security payments), Franceschini underlines the support for companies at risk of acquisition: “The tourism fund of 150 million euros with coverage for 2020-21 with cash deposits and loans is very important, because we risk that hotel structures are now in crisis, but that they have a safe return to the market is the subject of a complicated escalation, foreign properties or little transparent funds. The fund will be able to recover them and put them back on the market when the crisis is over. “

“Some sectors will be laboriously restarted or will not restart this summer – notes Franceschini – for this there is a fund of 210 million euros that will be valid for the sector of books, publications, shows, major events, exhibitions, fairs, canceled and non-state museums Then there is an additional fund of 100 million euros to partially cover the entrances of the state museums. Those of sites like the Colosseum, Uffizi and Pompeii were used to maintain other places and this 100 million fund will serve to cross this desert. “

On the sidelines of the press conference, Undersecretary Anna Laura Orrico commented: “It was necessary to give a strong signal of attention to the world of culture, both for workers and companies. Important is the increase from 130 to 245 million of the emergency fund for entertainment, cinema and audiovisuals introduced with the decree “Cura Italia”, which allows to provide greater support to the entire supply chain, and the institution is important the cultural fund of 100 million, also open to individuals, to promote investments in favor of tangible and intangible cultural heritage. It will help cultural companies to access bank credit and allow individuals to invest knowing that they have the public at their side. “
