Coronavirus and the Wuhan Laboratory: Trump’s accusations and wiretapping and “secret evidence”


What for some was “little more than a mere influence” turned into a war of influence, with many risks. For Trump, the Chinese have made a monstrous mistake and don’t want to admit that the virus came out of Wuhan’s lab. Beijing responds with its means: it is crazy, it shows what you support. A confirmation that should come from intelligence, but remains reluctant to become a bank under the command of the White House, and therefore entrenched in an investigative approach: we vigorously investigated the error scenario at the research center, we excluded that was created or manipulated by man. Official statement with stamp – April 30 – followed by interesting anonymous indiscretions. We’re not sure, sources say, that we can find the queen’s test, the lab test is one of many theories.

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On this same topic

The reports

The US president raised referring to important documents and announced that a report would be published soon. Have you read raw intelligence material? Did you miss something they told you during the morning briefings? We’ll see it L ‘Associated press reports the existence of a 4-page report, dated May 1, prepared by National Security where China is accused of creating a smokescreen behind which it has hidden the severity of the crisis, has accumulated medical material, has exploited its benefit the emergency by leaving the international community in the dark. A behavior that would also have deceived the WHO and favored the future economic games in Beijing.

The allies

The analysis could find consensus among partners in the United States. France, Great Britain, Germany and Australia have assumed a dual level position: 1) They do not officially accept the laboratory thesis. 2) They want the Asian giant to give all the necessary clarifications. The Western narrative may follow this path, insisting on the need to have as much data as possible to combat the pandemic. Some of these points emerged in the other report, shared by the services of Australia, the United States, Canada, Great Britain and New Zealand. The Chinese would have destroyed elements crucial to understanding the evolution of Covid-19 and gagged any unofficial rumors. Once again, behavior that could give ammunition to those who are ready to ask for harm. Of course, he must be tried and an international investigation would be needed, a request rejected by China. Notably, questions, to varying degrees, among the allies circulated around April 20, perhaps the result of generic 007 reports.

The spies

Then we look back at the spies. To any deep throat, to wiretapping, to details that may arise from personal knowledge. Wuhan, in recent years, has collaborated with American, French and Australian institutes. They are always hypotheses, not certainties. Among other things, most scientists questioned in the West exclude malicious intent or manipulation at the desk. Key aspects of virus transmission remain to be deciphered.

The fears

Trump himself is not immune to criticism, having wasted precious time before declaring an emergency and often changed his mind on the matter. Initially he even thanked Xi Jinping, then got involved in the duel by embracing the hard line supported by the “hawks.” For strategic and electoral reasons. However, it is not just The Donald who has to worry. the agency Reuters published the summary of an analysis prepared by the Chinese group of experts Cicir, affiliated with the Ministry of Security, where the country’s leaders are warned about the serious repercussions of the pandemic: there will be a global feeling of condemnation similar to that caused by the repression of the Tiananmen, ’89. And if the state of tension continues, China must prepare for an armed confrontation. But this last comment is not directed at Xi Jinping, but at opponents.

May 4, 2020 (change May 4, 2020 | 10:59 pm)

