Coronavirus and the nightmare variant. “But the vaccine will protect us all equally” – Chronicle


Rome, December 21, 2020 – The Covid-19 variant judged out of control in London has reached continental Europe and has also appeared in Italy. The alert was launched by Matt Hancock, the UK’s health minister. The British government representative explained that laboratories have linked this change in the sequence of the spike protein (the harpoon with which the Sars-Cov-2 virus attaches itself to human cells) with an increase in infections. And panic is spreading among people over the effectiveness of the new vaccines against Covid, but the scientific community is turning off the alarms. “The Sars-Cov-2 variant currently circulating in London and South East England does not appear to alternate between clinical insult and vaccine response,” says Gianni Rezza, General Manager …

Rome, December 21, 2020 – The variant of Covid-19 tried out of control in London, he reached continental Europe and peeked Also in Italy. The alert was launched by Matt hancock, UK Minister of Health. The British government exponent explained that laboratories have linked this change in the sequence of the spike protein (the harpoon with which the Sars-Cov-2 virus attaches itself to human cells) with an increase in infections. And panic is spreading among people over the effectiveness of the new vaccines against Covid, but the scientific community is turning off the alarms. “The Sars-Cov-2 variant currently circulating in London and the south-east of England does not appear to alternate between clinical insult and response to the vaccine,” he says. Gianni rezza, General Director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health. “It is very unlikely that the efficacy of the vaccine will be lost. I would like to reassure Italians saying that the answer to get out of this situation is really the vaccine”, explains the president of the Sanita Superior Council, Franco Locatelli.

Covid variant, from Canada to Hong Kong: countries close flights with England

As calls to stay home to avoid a further recovery from infections are repeated, British health authorities are monitoring the evolution of the epidemic. It seems that the small change in the Coronavirus camouflage has made him a champion in show jumping: it spreads faster without causing an increase in the number of ICU admissions: “We must act now,” said Prime Minister Boris Johnson. announcing another turn of the screw. “Nothing at the moment suggests that the vaccine will be less effective. The Sars-Cov-2 virus variant, as a transmission index, shows a net increase (+ 70%) compared to the previous one, but the mortality rate remains the same, the validity of the therapies does not change either. “Now the point is: if the English variant of Covid-19, which has now also reached us, takes over, will we get back to business and all over again? “According to the first indications – the minister specified from Rome Roberto Speranza – This mutation causes more infections, and this is a serious problem, but it occurs without aggravating people who have contracted the infection. Experts also say that vaccines may work the same, however we await more detailed information. However, there is a risk, that is why I have entrusted myself with the task of monitoring the genomic sequences of the virus that circulates in Italy, we must carry out absolutely all the controls ”. Fabrizio Pregliasco explains: “The great capacity for systematic monitoring of viral sequences has allowed us to identify more than 12 thousand minimal genetic mutations of Sars-Cov-2 and more than the 12 most important mutations. In Italy we have seen that the strain from Wuhan and the previous one circulated directly. from Germany, but probably also from others “. This is due to the fact that these viruses can change something as they replicate. In the case of the English variant, for example,” the variation corresponds to 23 nucleotides of the genome – he explains Pregliasco- and this leads the virus to attack the Ace 2 receptors better, with better affinity. “And he concludes:” The multiple variations that have occurred so far “have not had a significant impact.”

To dampen scaremongering who has turned on discussion groups on social networks, has also thought about it Carlo Federico Bolt, maximum exponent of Simit, the Italian Society for Infectious Diseases. “For the moment I can exclude that the Covid variant identified in the UK is less sensitive to the incoming vaccine, reducing its effectiveness – specified the illustrious virologist, director of the institute of microbiology at the Bambino Gesù hospital in Rome – even if the speed transmission seems faster, there is no evidence that it does more damage and kills more. “Professor Perno expressed this judgment after having discussed in videoconference with the virologist Ravy Gupta, from the University College of London, the specialist who isolated the new variant of the Coronavirus.
