Coronavirus and confinement in the photos of the Scientific Police


From September 29 to October 5, the State Police and the Anps mounted the photographic exhibition “Fragments, we are always there” on what was done in the Covid emergency.

The exhibition, organized in collaboration with the local section Anps and the Brescia City Council, is resumed on the occasion of the feast of the Patron Saint Michael the Archangel. 45 unpublished images in color and black and white for a report of faces, situations, fears and hopes divided into thematic sections; but also a heartfelt tribute to all those people and all the operators of the State Police who in this difficult period did not skimp on helping others. Fragments of anguish, of a desolate empty city, come to life in the shots together with the numerous portraits, which represent a representative sample of the community of Brescia.

The exhibition occupies a significant part of the numerous images present in thearchive of the Scientific Police of the Brescia Police Headquarters and that contain precious testimonies, of consternation and vitality, fatigue and resistance, silence and responsibility, uncertainty and solidarity, intelligence and adaptation in“Always be there”, a motto under which agents decline their daily commitment.

The inauguration will take place on September 29, 2020 at 12 noon. in the Vanvitelliano Room of the Palazzo Loggia. The photographs, exhibited until October 5, will be accompanied by an introductory phrase and a poem that will close all thematic sections.

To access the exhibition, it is reservation required through the following email: [email protected] .