Rome, September 27, 2020 – The Coronavirus pandemic continues to claim victims throughout the world. In the world there is beyond 32,751 million infected in Covid 19 and the number of deaths is getting closer and closer to a million 993,019). This is what emerges from the Johns Hopkins University data, which underscores what it is like in the United States that the highest number of infections is always registered with 7,078,089. They follow theIndia with 5,903,932, the Brazil 4,717,991 and Russia with 1,138,509. In terms of victims, the highest number of deaths is always registered in the United States with 204,490. It is followed by Brazil with 141,406 and India with 93,379.
Coronavirus Italy Bulletin, data for September 27
A million deaths, the counts
The world is approaching the round number of one million deaths. With some differences: according to the agency’s count French PressAt 1 p.m. Italian time, there were 998,463 deaths. The goal of another website is even closer, WorldoMeter, according to which the victims are now 999,415. The finish line of the map Johns Hopkins University, which is considered by many as the term of reference for the balance of the pandemic, since the WHO office in China reported its appearance at the end of last December: at the moment it reports 994,591 deaths worldwide.
FOCUS / In Europe 80 thousand cases: double that in the confinement
France, alarmed doctors
In France, “the second wave is coming faster than we feared.” The alarm was raised today by the president of the French medical order Patrick Bouet. If there are no changes “in three or four weeks” France will have to “face a generalized epidemic” for long months in autumn and winter, with a health system “unable to respond to all pressures,” Brouet warned in an interview. to the Journal du Dimanche as coronavirus contagion numbers continue to grow across the country. “A test awaits us. But health professionals, at the origin of the miracle of spring, will not be able to remedy structural deficiencies again, many are traumatized and exhausted,” Bouet stressed.
Russia, almost 100 dead
Russia is close to 8 thousand infections and one hundred deaths from the coronavirus epidemic in the last 24 hours. The latest bulletin from the health authorities registers 7,867 new positives in 83 of the 85 Russian regions, with 2,016 cases in Moscow, the most affected area. The dead are 99, of which 18 in the capital. Russia is the fourth most affected country in the world by the pandemic, after the United States, India and Brazil, with a total of 1,151,438 infected and 20,324 deaths.
Bojo all’Onu
Faced with the coronavirus, “humanity fell asleep. We worked hard to catch up, but with agonizing slowness,” British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said at the UN General Assembly, where he urged world leaders to “unite” against the coronavirus, announcing a “five-point” plan to deal with future pandemics. Johnson also announced new funding for the World Health Organization and for international vaccine research, calling those who oppose “crazy”.
Germany below 1,500 cases
In Germany, 1,411 new coronavirus infections have been recorded in the last 24 hours. The figure, published by the Robert Koch Institute (Rki), is clearly lower than 2,507 new positives from yesterday’s newsletter, but is affected by the usual slowdown in data communication due to the weekend and could therefore they do not reflect reality. The deaths in the last 24 hours are 5 and the R value of the infection rate is 1.08.
New York threatens Jewish confinement
New York City authorities, shaken by a new increase in coronavirus cases, have threatened the confinement of neighborhoods inhabited by ultra-Orthodox Jews due to their reluctance to social distancing and wearing face masks, the New York Times writes, reporting that city officials have begun conducting emergency inspections of religious schools in these neighborhoods, primarily located in South Brooklyn. Warn the community that if it persists in breaking the rules, the administration will be forced to adopt measures similar to those taken by the Israeli government, dealing with the same problem. In neighborhoods inhabited by Hasidic Jews, the NYT continues, the percentage of successful tests is currently between 3% and 6%, well above the 1% that is the average for the rest of the city. .
Australia, stop curfew
The positive news comes from Australia, where, in the face of a decreased number of infections – as of dawn tomorrow the imposed curfew will be lifted Melbourne, the second most populous city in the country, to stop the spread of the virus. “We’re having one, two or three cases of local infections per day, so … I am of the opinion that the curfew is not a proportionate measure to continue, “announced Brett Sutton, head of health of the state of Victoria. The government imposed on July 9 the closure in the city of some 5 million The lifting of the curfew, effective between 9:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., is the second stage of the plan for a gradual return to normalcy, which could last until the end of the year.
India, more than a thousand dead
India has registered up to 88,600 new confirmed cases of coronavirus in the last 24 hours, during which 1,124 people have died, according to the official New Delhi government gazette. India has so far had a total of 94,503 victims (third country in the world), while it is the second country after the United States in total number of infections since the start of the pandemic, reaching six million in the last 24 hours (5,992 .532). .
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