The Guardia di Finanza has prepared a manual with all the infractions currently contemplated by the coronavirus emergency. 22 different sanctions are foreseen.
by Marco Ludovico
The Guardia di Finanza has prepared a manual with all the infractions currently contemplated by the coronavirus emergency. 22 different sanctions are foreseen.
2 ‘reading
It is called a “manual” because it is not just a manual, but it must be for immediate use. The Guardia di Finanza developed it, under the command of General Giuseppe Zafarana, and it has six pages. A vademecum for the military of the economic-financial police aimed at all the more intense controls provided by the Ministry of the Interior, led by Luciana Lamorgese, with a circular issued yesterday to all prefects by Chief of Staff Bruno Frattasi.
Individuals: risk of twelve possible sanctions
The penalty in the so-called “reduced measure” is 280 euros but in the event of a repeat offense it doubles to 560 euros. It affects people and the proceeds go to the state. There are a dozen cases of irregularities included in the regulations in force today.
The prohibition of meeting in public places or places open to the public; not having and not wearing a mask; Breach of the minimum social distancing of one meter, in the case of sports increased to two meters, and in gyms, swimming pools and sports clubs Prohibition of “individual contact” and collective sports competitions. The public events stop in a non-static way, open air parties, festivals and fairs. Until the prohibition provided by the Dpcm of October 18 “to consume in the place or in the vicinity of the restaurant from 6:00 p.m. to midnight the food product or drink bought to take away”.
The five irregularities for companies
The Guardia di Finanza manual reminds us that gambling, betting and bingo rooms are not allowed outside the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All retail stores must guarantee customers deferred entry, parking no longer necessary, compliance with the protocols established in the annexes to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte’s Dpcm. Consumption in catering services is allowed for up to six people at the table. In bars, pubs, ice cream parlors and pastry shops, after 6:00 p.m. you cannot eat at the counter. Stop in dance halls and discos, private civil and religious parties authorized with up to 30 people. In all these cases of infringement, the sanction is reduced to 280 euros, double in case of recidivism. But it is also expected to close the business for up to five days.
Entry bans to Italy
The Gdf lists all the cases of prohibition of movement “to and from the States” of the so-called “list E” attached to the Dpcm of October 18, but also “B, C, D and F”, the lack of notification to the department prevention of residence if you come from those States and enter Italy, do not submit to sanitary supervision and fiduciary isolation. Also in these cases a fine of 280 euros and 560 if there is a repeat offense.
Do not forget the case of violation of the order “legally given to prevent the invasion or spread of an infectious human disease.” That is, for COVID-19, failure to comply with the obligation to stay at home «for subjects with
associated with a body temperature above 37.5 °. “The risk is an arrest of up to six months with related criminal consequences.