Coronavirus, all measures in draft relaunch: from emergency admission to vacation voucher to anti-Covid classrooms in schools. But there is a knot of 100 million euros for those who buy decorated banks


the Revival Decree reaches the final bars, not without tension inside the most. For this Giuseppe Conte, after welcoming Silvia Romano When he returned to Italy after a year and a half of kidnapping, he sat in a video conference with i Heads of Delegation of the parties that support your government. We must close thepolitical agreement, then refine the technical part of a decree by 55 billion of euros that includes vital rules for restarting the country after confinement but also some measures contested by M5 and Italia Viva between the 434 pages and me 258 items of the last draft, which dates from 00.30 on Sunday, which also includes the extension of the state of emergency until January 31, 2021.

The indigestible norms – ai Five stars – according to different backgrounds – the public support of 100 million euros for the sale of small ‘decoction’ benches. In practice, the programmed procedure for Etruria banking in 2015, that would be a bitter drink to swallow. In particular, public support for the ” compulsory administrative clearance of small banks ”, reads the text. In front of Live Italyinstead it still registers discontent particularly about the rules on families and those of Business. And the Renzians also propose the introduction of aabolition, at least partial, of theirap.

Does the CDM slip? – Prime Minister Conte aims to tighten time, but the hypothesis that the Minister council is postponed to the beginning of week, with times that could extend up to Wednesday. The call, at this time, is in stand-by. E – according toadnkronos – there is also the hypothesis that the approval is made with the formula of ‘Unless otherwise agreed’therefore, the decree could be presented even more in the following days. The summary of the more than 700 pages after all, the preliminary work of various ministries must not have been simple and has upset some government officials.

Alitalia, nurses and school – Among the hundreds of measures included in the draft, the hiring of 10,000 fixed-term nurses, a bonus of up to 1,000 euros for all health workers at the forefront against coronavirus thanks to the increase in regional funds for supplemental negotiation. A maxi umbrella for Alitalia which is not mentioned but is the recipient of the 3 billion provided. A billion is expected in two years (400 million in 2020) for theeducation, with the obligation to allocate resources to Containment measures of the epidemic in public schools. Help for system 0-6 years with a general contribution of 65 million for those who drive continuously i educational services (like kindergartens) and in non-state children’s educational institutions, as financial support for the reduction or non-payment of fees.

Emergency admission – For families that do not benefit from other subsidies, the Rem, the emergency income, which will be recognized “in two installments” between 400 and the 800 euros each based on the core. The new tool will be administered by theINPS and the request must be submitted At the end of june. Isee limit of 1 expected5 thousand euros and assets within the 10 thousand euros (ceiling that can grow up to 25 thousand depending on the nucleus and the presence of disabled).

Financing money to SMEs – Also provided scholarships for small and medium businesses, artisans, merchants and freelancers up to 5 million in revenue or compensation: must be refreshed if they were registered in April 2020 drops of at least two thirds compared to April 2019 and the difference between these two months is calculated based on three bands: 25% for those who have a turnover or income of up to 100,000 euros, 20% between 100,000 and 400,000 euros, 15% up to 5 million. However, the minimum is 1,000 euros for individuals and 2,000 euros for others, and to access the fund, you must request the Inland Revenue.

The holiday voucher – The decree also establishes a vacation bonus in favor of homes with an income ISEE without exceeding 35 thousand. The credit would be usable, from July 1 to December 31, 2020, by a single member per household to the extent of 500 euros for each nucleus If the group is made up of two people, a maximum of 300 euros is foreseen, while alone are up 150 euros. It is usable, read the draft, “at 90 percent in the form of a discount on the consideration due, advanced by providers where the expense was incurred, and 10 percent in the form of a tax deduction on the tax return by the beneficiary. “

Zero VAT on masks – As the Prime Minister had anticipated, thereset VAT in 2020 in More expensive, gel disinfectants and all protective devices Coronavirus Dal 2021 all these products will haveSubsidized VAT at 5% The rule also applies to pulmonary ventilators for intensive care and a series of other medical instruments and devices such as gloves, visors, gowns, thermometers. Zero VAT also on instruments for diagnosticslike me swabs, and for field hospital teams.

Credit to Comply with Anti-Covid Standards – The government has also planned a fiscal credit 80% for adjustment work environments to the provisions of the rules of safety and protection of workers. The standard is among them, they are different, waiting for the evaluation of State accounting. The standard includes building interventions necessary for makeover changing rooms, dining rooms, realization of medical spaces, entrances and common areas, security furniture or those necessary for innovative investments, such as the development or purchase of technologies necessary to carry out the work activity and equipment for temperature control of employees.

The other measures: The decree also provides for the definitive cancellation of the safeguard clauses they were waiting VAT increases and the special tax of 2021. The postponement to 2021 of sugar and plastic tax. They will also come soon 150 million to empower i summer camps and to combat educational poverty: resources will be allocated to municipalities to strengthen, also in collaboration with private institutes, summer day centers, territorial socio-educational services and centers with educational and recreational functions, during the summer, for girls and boys Between 3 and 14 years old.

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