Coronavirus, all home at 10 pm and distance education for high school. The government thinks so



The contagion curve is rising and the government is thinking of hardening measures to contain the Covid-19 emergency.

According to Corriere della Sera, in the study there would be a curfew at 22 and distance education in secondary schools. The government wants to avoid more restrictive measures, but above all another national blockade. For now, we are following the French line with taking weighted measures.

Coronavirus: schools closed and distance education in Campania until October 30. High infections at school, the numbers. HERE IS THE ORDER

The debate reached a harsh tone when news broke of the closure of schools in Campania by President De Luca, who, ideally, gave way to requests from other local authorities to foresee the extension of distance education to contain the infection. .

The Democratic Party defends the election of De Luca and proposes reaching 50% of digital teaching in high school by alternating home and school, while the M5S thinks that behind there is a strategy to “block competition” and holds on.

Closing schools in Campania, Conte: he can do it but not the best solution, few infections at school. “” No blockade Milan “

In the latest bulletin published by the Ministry of Health, the swabs made are 162,932. In the weekly follow-up of the IAS, corresponding to the period 5 to 11 October, a total of 4,913 active outbreaks were reported, of which 1,749 new.

The weekly report of the Higher Institute of Health-Ministry of Health, relating to the period from October 5 to 11, indicates that “the virus circulates throughout Italy, critical problems in local services and an increase in the occupation of intensive care places “. A rapid analysis of the subregional risk is “necessary,” says the document, for the timely increase of containment measures.

There are ten regions with a defined high risk for the maintenance of intensive care: they are Abruzzo, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Liguria, Lombardy, Puglia, Sardinia, Tuscany, Umbria and Valle d’Aosta. According to the Monitoring of the Ministry of Health and the ISS they have a probability of exceeding the threshold of 30% of intensive care units occupied by Covid patients in the next month, from high to maximum. The regions reported with the highest level of risk for this parameter are Lombardy and Liguria.

