Coronavirus alert, Rt at 1.17, only two regions below 1. First local closures, red zones intensify


the report ministry of health-iss

There are 4,913 active outbreaks, of which 1,749 are new. The virus runs: infection logs and smears. The number of victims doubles, the occupation of the ICU and beds in the medical area increases

by Nicoletta Cottone

Coronavirus, Rt above 1 in 17 regions and in the two autonomous provinces: the data

There are 4,913 active outbreaks, of which 1,749 are new. The virus runs: infection logs and smears. The number of victims doubles, the occupancy rate of beds in intensive care and medical areas increases

3 ‘reading

Registry of infections and smears. The victims double. The Coronavirus epidemic is accelerating, the virus circulates throughout the country, the occupancy rate of ICUs and medical beds increases and in some regions and autonomous provinces it is believed that critical values ​​will already be reached in the next month. The weekly report of the Ministry of Health and the Higher Institute of Health for the week of October 5 to 11 reports that there are ten regions with a defined high risk for the maintenance of intensive care: Abruzzo, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Liguria, Lombardy, Puglia, Sardinia, Tuscany, Umbria and Valle d’Aosta. Based on follow-up, they have a chance of exceeding the 30% threshold of intensive care units occupied by Covid patients in the next month, from oldest to oldest. The regions reported with the highest level of risk for this parameter are Lombardy and Liguria. In a few days the number of symptomatic cases has almost doubled (15,189 symptomatic cases in the period September 28-October 11 compared to 8,198 symptomatic cases in the period September 21-October 4).

Regions assess risks and additional measures

An invitation arrives to the Regions, “in conjunction with the Ministry of Health, to carry out a rapid analysis of risks, even at the subregional level, and to evaluate the timely increase of containment and mitigation measures in the most affected areas”: it reads in the weekly monitoring of the Ministry of Health and Iss. A rapid subregional risk analysis is necessary for the timely increase of containment and mitigation measures in the most affected areas based on the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Health. The first local closures take place, the red zones intensify. In the study, he staggered school admissions, suspension of non-urgent hospital admissions, prohibition of visits to patients. Other hypotheses are also being put forward, such as distance learning at the institute and a curfew starting at ten at night, as is already the case in other European countries.

National Rt at 1.17, only two regions below 1

In the period from September 24 to October 7, 2020, the Rt calculated on symptomatic cases is equal to 1.17. Only two regions have the RT below 1: Molise at 0.83, Calabria at 0.94. In 17 Regions and in the two autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano, the value of the Rt transmissibility index is higher than 1. The highest value in Valle d’Aosta (1.53), followed by Piedmont (1.39) and the Autonomous Province of Bolzano (1.32). Register 1 Basilicata. Here are all the indices: Abruzzo 1.18, Basilicata 1, Calabria 0.94, Campania 1.29, Emilia Romagna 1.12, Friuli Venezia Giulia 1.24, Lazio 1.14, Liguria 1.02, Lombardy 1.15, Marche 1.14, Molise 0.83, Autonomous Province of Bolzano 1.32, Piedmont 1.39 , Autonomous province of Trento 1.15, Puglia 1.14, Sardinia 1.1, Sicily 1.23, Tuscany 1.28, Umbria 1.4, Valle d’Aosta 1.53, Veneto 1.15.

In the 4,913 outbreaks (1,749 new)

The report indicates a total of 4,913 active outbreaks, of which 1,749 new, increasing for the eleventh consecutive week. In the previous week of follow-up, 3,805 active outbreaks had been reported, of which 1,181 were new. The report recalls that the adopted definition of outbreak provides for the identification of 2 or more positive cases connected to each other. Outbreaks were recorded in 102 of the 107 provinces, and the majority continue to occur at home (80.3%). The percentage of outbreaks detected in recreational activities remains stable (4.2% versus 4.1% the previous week). The report shows an increase in outbreaks in which transmission may have occurred in the school setting, but intra- in general, a limited transmission dynamic is maintained: 3.8% of all new outbreaks in which the transmission context.

Hospitalizations are increasing

At the national level, the report indicates a significant increase in the number of people hospitalized (4,519 versus 3,287 in the medical area, 420 versus 303 in intensive care on October 11 and October 4, respectively) and, consequently, the rates of occupation of hospitalizations in the medical area and in intensive care, with some regions and autonomous provinces above 10% in both areas.
