Coronavirus: alert from the Ministry of the Interior, high voltage in Naples. Clashes with the police in Milan and Turin – Chronicle


Protests are increasing throughout Italy after the latest tightening linked to the Dpcm that provides, among other things, the closure of the enclosure after 6 p.m. and the stop to gyms and sports activities. Taxi drivers a Torino occupied piazza Castello, a Cremona the restorers beat the pots in front of the prefecture and then left them on the ground like in a crockery, to Catania They dropped paper bombs in front of the prefecture, a Treviso a thousand marched in procession, a Viareggio Young people blocked traffic and threw smoke bombs and firecrackers: protests were held throughout Italy against the Dpcm that imposes new closures to limit the contagion of Covid. Others are announced for the next few hours. In the square also a Genoa among restaurateurs, entertainment workers and without masks. Tensions at dusk in the squares, from Naples a Milan a Torino, Also to Trieste. Smoke bombs and Molotov cocktails were fired at the police. A protester was arrested in Naples, one injured in the Piedmontese capital where the windows of some shops on the central Via Roma were smashed.

Viminale alert is raised. Maximum attention, need to root out all situations of possible risk, maximum firmness towards the violent. Al Viminale raises the alert for the social tensions that could erupt in the country after the new Dpcm of the government that has reintroduced a series of restrictions. The demonstrations of the last days in Naples, Rome and Turin, it is emphasized, are a alarm even if they were well-defined situations: those who became the protagonists of the confrontations with the police forces, in essence, had nothing to do with the categories that were somehow most affected by the crisis of recent months but with environments that had the precise purpose of causing discomfort: ultras, right-wing extremists, social centers, individuals who live off tricks and minor crimes used as labor by organized crime. But the situation can change now. The anger and frustration that is accumulating in the country and that today involves various social and productive categories could in fact become the perfect opportunity for those who have an interest in stoking tensions. And, seen in this perspective, the security apparatuses do not exclude that the announcing demonstrations in the coming days by those most affected by the measures may be exploited and become an opportunity for provocateurs and infiltrators to show off. That is why, qualified sources of the security appliances still say, “The issue of public order has become very sensitive and higher risk situations must be deactivated.” A series of preventive actions have already been implemented in recent days and in any case, it is reiterated, “excesses will not be tolerated.” In addition, the Ministry and the Directorate of Public Security are in permanent contact with the prefectures and local representatives of the police force precisely to reshape the strategy and implement all interventions to intercept possible situations of greater risk before they explode or become a vehicle for the most violent. Again in perspective, it is repeated, of “maximum firmness”.

The ‘Milan to drink’ comes out The rain does not stop the anger of the restaurateurs, managers of bars and pubs in Milan and the province who have gathered a few steps from the Milan Prefecture to express their anger at the new government decree that obliges them to close at 18.00. A delegation will be received by the prefect of Milan, Renato Saccone. With them they have tricolor flags and banners with the words ‘We need facts, not decrees’, ‘We fail, we fail you’ and ‘No taxes and more concrete help’. This new decree “is worse than the confinement,” explained Alfredo Zini, restaurateur who promoted the protest in Milan, “so there will be a parallel market for illegal activities, people will be able to buy food and alcohol and even consume them illegally on the street. We ask for an alignment. . of the Dpcm and the regional ordinance, one says to close at 18 and the other at 23 “. In addition, the restaurateurs ask for contributions” not equal for all but in line with the loss of billing. the “closure of many activities that could end up in the hands of organized crime.” The delegation of restaurateurs will bring to the prefect a document with which the category asks “to review the Dpcm and the regional ordinance, the proportional reduction in the payment of the contribution of the labor costs, local taxes and duties, the fight against illicit activities “.

Naples in the square – “Health care income for all the rich pays for the crisis.” This one of the banners shown in Piazza Plebiscito in Naples where hundreds of people are gathering to protest against the new anti-life measures of the government and the Campania region. In the square, representatives of categories that feel damaged like me restaurateurs, bar owners, sectors related to tourism, but also students, exponents of social centers, individual citizens who are losing their jobs. “A health and first thing but without deaf nun if they sing mass”, another of the banners. Around the square dozens of police vans and riot police. The protest then moves to the headquarters of the Campania Region. Screaming “resign, resign” against Governor Vincenzo De Luca, a few thousand protesters arrived in front of the entrance to the Campania region headquarters in via Raffaele De Cesare, in Naples. The protesters stopped in front of the entrance that is closed with the shutters closed. Many sing ‘Napul’è’ by Pino Daniele.

Protests in Naples

In Palermo, merchants, restaurateurs and employees protest of the premises in front of the prefecture. About a hundred people, including some workers in the entertainment sector, are taking part in the initiative, which is running peacefully. They are challenging the government’s new Dpcm and asking for financial support to face this first month of closure. “For many of us it is a new closure – say some businessmen in the club and bar sector – The closure at 6 pm represents a fatal blow to our activities. The government cannot abandon us right now. We need real help. ”
