The figures “maintain a growth trend and are worrying – clarified Andreoni – also because the peak has not yet been reached. The real result that the measures will bring will have to be evaluated, because if the figures continue to increase, the risk of unsustainable criticalities for the hospitals “. At present, Andreoni noted, “even more drastic measures for epidemiological purposes to contain the pandemic would be desirable, but the choice is political.” However, “letting the epidemic run too fast – he concluded – means risking the collapse of hospitals.”
Hospital doctors: “The situation is very serious” – The situation in hospitals “is very serious and absolutely critical, with emergency rooms and departments now jammed and 118 overwhelmed with calls: with this rate of infections for the second week of November, intensive care will be saturated, while places are already suffering a lot in ordinary and sub-intensive Covid departments. ” Emphasizes it Carlo Palermo, secretary of the largest of the hospital doctor unions, theAnaao-Look out. The new Dpcm, he says, is “a balance between economic and health needs, but it may not be enough.”
What is outlined through the measures of the new Dpcm, Palermo points out, “is almost a blockade in fact, but if there were no concrete results in terms of reducing infections, then a total blockade will be inevitable.” In fact, it is “evident that the pressure on hospitals is becoming unbearable, since – he emphasizes – the possibility of containing the epidemic through local services has practically disappeared”. This is because, says Palermo, “tampons are not enough, home care is almost absent in the medical units of Usca for home care with staff problems, and with the tracking system now impossible given the very high number of contagions “.
In this context, he concludes, “the only garrison to which citizens are turning en masse are precisely the hospitals, which, however, are also besieged by patients with small symptoms who would not need hospital treatment or by citizens who need tampons.”
Doctors order: “Dpcm last attempt before blocking” – “The Dpcm measures illustrated by Prime Minister Conte represent the government’s latest attempt at an inevitable total blockade, if they don’t work.” The president of the National Federation of Medical Orders, Filippo AnelliAnd he added that “if the indicators deteriorate in 15 days, I think it is the government’s responsibility to take even more drastic measures with a total blockade.”
Crisanti: “Dpcm measures are not decisive, a plan is needed – The measures implemented with the new Dpcm are measures of temporary effect and not decisive ”. It says Andrea Crisanti, Professor of Microbiology at the University of Padua. The point, he explained, is that “until a plan is drawn up to consolidate the results that may be derived from more restrictive measures, we will inevitably continue in this spiral of contagion.”
According to Crisanti, therefore, we should “implement a surveillance plan that, once we have managed to reduce infections through more restrictive measures, as we all hope, will be able to keep them low and under control.” There are, he stressed, “several examples of virtuous countries that have achieved this goal, from Taiwan to Korea. In addition to the measures illustrated today by the prime minister, it would be necessary to adopt a strategy that has never been applied in Italy until now.” It is about implementing a “real surveillance plan that includes targeted tracking to interrupt transmission chains, effective computer tools, and strengthening diagnostic capacity.”