Coronavirus, age, weight, male: all the risks for Donald Trump


Age, excess weight and male gender are the three key factors that put Donald Trump at risk of developing serious complications from the coronavirus. Warning, risk does not mean certainty: Most people who get sick from Covid-19 recover and simply falling into risk categories does not mean that Trump is going to get seriously ill. The President of the United States is hospitalized with a fever and is being treated with a cocktail of antibody and antiviral drugs Remdesivir. On your side you have to be sure you will receive the best treatments to recover from the disease.


His age, 74, is the number one risk factor. Studies from around the world have found that people over the age of 75 have a 4.2% chance of dying after becoming infected. At that age, it is estimated that one in 25 people who contract Covid-19 cannot overcome the disease. Over 85 years, 1 in 7 does not achieve it, 90 out of 4. In the United States, 8 out of 10 deaths involved people over the age of 65.. According to a model by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), people in Trump’s age group are five times more likely to need hospital treatment and 90 times more likely to die than someone in their 20s. . However, it is still unclear if the reason for a worse prognosis is something related to age, such as the immune system becoming less efficient over time, or if age is just a shortcut to generally worse health. “Age is also linked to heart disease, lung disease, type 2 diabetes, so it is difficult to know if it is your age or if there are other health problems,” said Professor Ravindra Gupta, University of Cambridge. to the BBC.


Donald Trump weighs 111 pounds and is 190 centimeters tall, so he has a body mass index (BMI) of just over 30 and this places him in the clinical definition of obesity. Research has shown that obese people who contract Covid 19 are 113% more likely than normal-weight people to end up in the hospital, 74% more likely to be admitted to intensive care, and 48% more likely to likely to be hospitalized. probability of dying. Fat in the body can affect the work of the white blood cells of the immune system, causing the levels of inflammation to increase, which when excessive can lead to death (cytokine storm). But again, obesity is linked to a number of underlying health problems, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Male gender

In the first wave of the pandemic, there were more men than women who needed hospital treatment, and 60 percent or more of Covid-19 deaths occurred among men. It has been seen that men produce a weaker immune response to the virus than women who, with their immune system, defend themselves better, even in old age.

High cholesterol

The president also has a history of high cholesterol and is still taking statins to control the levels. His doctors reported a build-up of plaque in his blood vessels in the mild to moderate range and urged him to make some lifestyle changes.

October 3, 2020 (change October 3, 2020 | 13:54)

