Coronavirus, account for the regions: “Whoever rejects the three bands leads us to a general blockade”


Rome, November 7, 2020 – Il premier Giuseppe Conte warns the Regions and defends the system of red, orange and yellow areas planned inlast Dpcm to fight against Coronavirus. No one – says the Prime Minister – has ever questioned the follow-up mechanism that led to the division of Italy into three bands, “rejecting it means bringing the country run into a new generalized blockade“with enormous damage to all. The citizens of Lombardy, Piedmont, Valle d’Aosta, Calabria”, would not obtain any benefit. Not to mention the injustice of imposing the same regime of measures that we are applying to the red regions also to citizens living in less critical conditions ”.

Covid, the November 7 newsletter

“Let’s not go back”

“Who accuses us of acting on the basis of political discrimination It is in bad faith – he says in an interview with the Corriere della Sera -. There is no will to penalize some areas at the expense of others. There is no political margin of discretion in the order of Minister Speranza. The Regions are an integral part of this mechanism. “On the use of this system for the management of the pandemic” we are not going to go backwards. “The virus runs in Italy, so much so” that there are no green Regions. This means that we will hardly be able to transport patients from one region to another if the curve continues to increase exponentially ”.

Conte dismisses the suspicion that Regions may distort, or only partially transmit data: “I don’t even dare to think about it – he says -. It would be consciously putting the lives of your fellow citizens at risk ”. In any case, “I wanted a provision to be included in the bis restoration decree that helps make the monitoring mechanism even clearer and more transparent, so that the scientific community and all citizens can access this information.”

Calabria defends itself in numbers

Meanwhile, the delegate for the Covid emergency of the Calabria region, Antonio Belcastro, regarding the situation of the coverage of beds for Covid and the numbers of resuscitation, explains: “From the analyzes carried out it is clear that, in some hospitals, in the first days of November there had been a considerable increase, and not in line with previous months, of hospitalizations in intensive care Thanks to an interview with the heads of the operating units, it was found that, due to the temporary nature lack of beds in ordinary inpatient wards and subintensive therapy, some patients, who did not need assisted mechanical ventilation, because they did not present serious problems, had been hospitalized in intensive care. “And he underlines:” The update of the regional bulletin was necessary to allow a more correct classification of cases“, explained Belcastro, who defines as” unfounded speculation “the hypotheses about the manipulation of the figures.” The transfer of patients from the ICU to the departments of infectious diseases and pulmonology – Belcastro concluded – has increased the saturation rate (16%) of beds in the medical area, while the occupancy rate of intensive care beds (6 %) is still far from the alert threshold, set at 30% “.

The Genoa prosecutor verifies the data

too data transmitted from Genoa to Rome for the determination of risk areas, with the measures related to the containment of the Coronavirus, end under the lens of Genoa prosecutor. “We are checking what has been sent to the Ministry of Health – explains an investigating source – and if they correspond to the reality of our territory.” There Liguria on Monday it was placed in the yellow band, the low risk band. The Prosecutor’s Office had opened in recent days a “cognitive” investigation, with no crime hypothesis, after images of patients in an ambulance waiting hours before being visited in hospitals to check if an anti-Covid plan has been developed in the schedule. .

In recent days, investigators had targeted Alisa, the regional health agency. The researchers want to understand whether, given the arrival forecasts
After a second wave and the exponential increase in cases since September, the health center has launched the plan to deal with the pandemic also by creating external structures where less serious cases are admitted.
