Coronavirus, Abruzzo orange by ordinance: Marsilio’s challenge, government warning arrives


forcing is a political case

The Abruzzese president’s disposition brings the only red region of Italy back to the lower band beforehand. “I am not irresponsible,” he says in response to Boccia and Speranza’s warning.

by Nicoletta Cottone

Covid, Abruzzo, the only region in the red zone: traders protest

The disposition of the president of Abruzzese brings in advance the only red region of Italy to the lower band. “I am not irresponsible,” he says in response to Boccia and Speranza’s warning.

4 ‘reading

It’s red for the executive, orange for the governor. Abruzzo challenges the government with ordinance no. 106 of President Marco Marsilio – Fdi exponent, elected with the votes of the center – effective as of today Monday, December 7, which moves the region from red to orange. A “do-it-yourself” ordinance that transfers the country’s only red region to an orange band. Red by order of the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza in force since November 22, advanced to November 18 by the same Governor Marsilio. A forward race, that of Marsilio, which immediately became a political case, with crossed accusations. For the transition to the orange zone, in accordance with current regulations, the calendar of the color risk bands provided for the regions to stop the contagion of the new coronavirus must be respected.

Marsilio’s order that takes Abruzzo to the orange zone


Boccia and Speranza’s warning to ask for revocation

The joint warning letter from the ministers has already been sent to the regional Autonomy Francesco Boccia and Roberto Speranza de Salud to the governor of Abruzzo to invite him to suspend the ordinance with which he decreed the passage of the Region from the red zone to the orange. “We invite and warn you – we read – to revoke the regional ordinance ad hours, reminding you of the serious responsibilities that could arise from the measures that it has introduced in terms of the health of citizens,” he says. The two ministers remind Marsilio that, “in accordance with current legislation, the application of the measures relating to a lower scenario (” orange zone “) is derived from verifying the stay of fourteen days at a risk level or scenario lower than the one that determined the restrictive measures (“red zone”), verified by the control room. ”There is no endorsement, therefore, by the government of the governor’s force. responsibility to prevent a literal application of existing laws from causing disproportionate and harmful treatment in Abruzzo. “In the warning, the two ministers wrote:” If not, we reserve the right to take all initiatives, including judicial ones, to ensure the uniform application of the measures aimed at managing the epidemiological emergency of Covid-19 and safeguarding, in particular, the primary good of people’s health “.


Marsilio: “Intimidation about responsibility for infections is ridiculous”

I received around lunchtime the notification letter signed by Ministers Boccia and Speranza: I do not want to dramatize the conflict with the government, but frankly I consider the tone intimidating and the threat of criminal responsibility regarding the contagions that would be excessive if not ridiculous. of this event, ”said the president of the Abruzzo Region, Marco Marsilio, in response to the warning sent by the Government after its regional ordinance that restored the orange zone in Abruzzo in advance. Shortly before on Rai Radio 1, during the “Che giorno è” program, he said not to seek “institutional clashes: I collaborate and will continue to collaborate fairly with the government.” Although it is clear that such actions have consequences.

“I am not irresponsible”

“I think the government has misinterpreted the rules and deadlines that don’t take into account the real data. I am not irresponsible. I anticipated the red zone. I think we must be serious: when there is danger, safeguard solutions are adopted, even the most drastic. But when the data shows us that the situation is under control, we reopen safely. Marsilio initially tested the letter of moral suasion, asking the government “not to apply time in a cold and bureaucratic way.” Then he had opted for a tug of war with the government, signing the ordinance in force since December 7 that immediately returns the region to the orange zone, except for the effects in the lower secondary cycle that begin on December 9. Therefore, the stores are open from December 7 and from December 9, the second and third grade lessons will be present again.

Stores open amid mixed messages from government and region

Marsilio’s ordinance, with the region’s DIY transition from red to orange, allowed for the reopening of clothing, shoe, and jewelry stores that had had to lower their blinds when the red-light district began. “With the ordinance in force – explained the regional director of Confesercenti Lido Legnini – whoever wants it today has been able to reopen. We expected a reopening of the agreement between the Region and the Government, but it is good because we can return to a complete opening of fixed trade. However, we have also asked the prefectures that in case of changes in the ordinances it is communicated in a timely manner to the commercial associations and merchants ”.
