Coronavirus: a positive student quarantined the sixth grade class


SCARLINO – In the IB class of the “Mariotti” high school in Scarlino Scalo, a student tested positive for Covid-19: therefore, the ASL ordered suspension of lessons and quarantine for the entire class and school personnel who entry. contact with the child. Students will stay at home for 10 days, as required by the new regulations of the Ministry of Health.

«The health company – declares the director of the Gavorrano-Scarlino comprehensive institute, Assunta Astorino – announced today, Wednesday October 21, the disposition to close a class at Scarlino Scalo secondary school due to quarantine. The families of the students and school personnel who came into contact with the positive student were notified by the health authority according to protocol. We have scrupulously activated all the precautions provided by the anti-covid rules in the complexes of the integral: unfortunately, however, we are forced to suspend the lessons of a class. We will continue working with dedication and attention so that the health of all, students and staff, is protected to the maximum. The manager, after the communication from the health company, informed the mayor Francesca Travison.

“Unfortunately what we hoped would not happen – explains the mayor of Scarlino -: fortunately the conditions of those involved are not worrying but it is necessary to suspend the lessons of the entire IB class for ten days. I am close to the children and their families, the school staff and the manager who in recent weeks are facing a very difficult situation, still managing to maintain security to protect the health of our students. A complicated period awaits us, what we can all do is respect the anti-contagion regulations, always keeping our attention high. We know well that this means making sacrifices, but we cannot do otherwise. We remain vigilant: I ask everyone to be responsible.
