Coronavirus, a more restrictive (but not too much) Fugatti order that shoots up tonight: “Curfew at 8pm, stores closed at 7:30 pm”


TRENTO. “Given the situation that we all know, the Giunta believes that it should introduce some restrictions”, so Maurizio Fugatti during the meeting of the group leaders the arrival of a new ordinance was announced. Thus the President of the Province carries out another step back and after criticizing the government for the “tug of war” these days nowTrentino anticipates the entry into force of the new restrictions adopting yours.

The ordinance could be signed late in the morning today, December 18, which will go into effect tonight. From what is clear, Fugatti wanted to wait for the result of the weekly report of the Higher Institute of Health that keeps Trentino in the yellow zone. but still “Since the contagion is not waning – reiterates Fugatti – we have considered the adoption of a new ordinance to try to limit as much as possible the gatherings in the house that turn into half parties and dinners ”.

The curfew will be brought forward from 10 p.m. to 8 p.m., ergo in Trentino, probably from tonight, it will be possible to move, after 8 pm and until 5 am the next day, just for Motivated work needs, reasons of extreme need or health. Store openings are allowed until 7:30 p.m., while take-out is allowed until 10 p.m. The new ordinance will remain in effect until January 6 and it will eventually be recalibrated when the new Dpcm arrives.

New restrictions also for commercial activities: Medium and large sales structures (both spaces occupied by a single establishment or several stores and including shopping centers) reThey must allow access to a number of people to guarantee at least 4 square meters between each topic. These structures should be equipped with tools or methods for counting people. In all other stores, however, space must be guaranteed.
