Coronavirus: a 2007 plan by ASL Bergamo foresaw everything, but was left unrealized – La Stampa


BERGAMO. There were guidelines for the storage of protective equipment for general practitioners, the necessary “ad hoc procedures” in nursing homes and the increase in home care, so scarce in one of the areas most affected by the coronavirus. . All prevention measures were contained in a local pandemic plan drawn up in 2007, after the regional one, by the then ASL of Bergamo, now Ats, and remained largely unimplemented. A document acquired by the Bergamo prosecutor investigating the lack of establishment of the red zone in Alzano and Nembro, and which the AGI obtained through access to the documents. “If that plan, which dates back thirteen years ago, had been implemented – reflects Guido Marinoni, president of the Bergamo Medical Association – things would have been different.”

The forty-page dossier, containing dozens of contact names of officials and managers responsible for its implementation, most of whom have retired in the meantime, has never been updated. But already at the time he highlighted the crucial issues in the event of a pandemic, starting with the personal protective equipment necessary for doctors and health workers, which were in fact lacking, favoring the spread of infection in places of care. But also the “plan to increase home care in sync with the local pandemic plan, after defining agreements with union organizations, identifying and reserving the necessary resources.”

Those who drafted the document had already guessed the difficulties that would arise in the RSA, which instead found itself off guard, becoming the symbolic site of the massacre. Meanwhile, the investigation of the Bergamo prosecutor continues, who in recent months has come to Palazzo Chigi to hear the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, and some of his ministers, after the leaders of the Lombardy Region were heard. According to Pier Paolo Lunelli, the author of a file in the hands of prosecutors, the absence of an adequate pandemic plan at the national level has also made it difficult to identify who should do what. As a result, today it is more difficult to identify those responsible for what happened.

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