TRENTO. In the week of December 7 to 13 in Trentino, on average, It’s been 9 days from the onset of symptoms to the diagnosis of positivity. To certify it the weekly monitoring report prepared by the Higher Institute of Health in collaboration with the Ministry of Health which has inserted the call parameter 2.2 “Time between the date of onset of symptoms and the date of diagnosis” among the alerts of the province of Trento. Basically, 9 days pass from the appearance of the first symptoms until the moment of confirmation of positivity, an extraordinary moment that has aroused the concern of national health authorities who have paid attention to Trentino. A figure, the one detected in the second week of December, in some way abnormal seen that up to that point Trentino had registered excellent results, with an average that as of December 7 barely Three days.
Maybe one possible explanation connects with what was highlighted by the former rector of the University of Trento Davide Bassi who pointed out how in the last weeks, in Trentino, if it is reduced the gap between the number of infections detected with the molecular swab alone (data communicated by the national civil protection) and the number of actual infections (which also considers the antigenic). “In practice – Bassi concluded – during the first week of December the infections verified with the molecular swab were approximately half of the real ones. During the last week, the ratio between molecular and real has risen to 70% ”. Thus the accumulated delay in the last week could be linked to this factor. All this, if confirmed, would in turn demonstrate the limits and criticalities of Trentino (article HERE).
Another curiosity refers to indicator 2.3 “Time between the symptom onset date and the isolation date”, an optional value but since November Trentino has never been able to communicate these data to Rome, so much so that in the last seven monitoring the box shows a laconic “Not calculable.” Anyway the province of Trento shows an incidence (calculated over 14 days) of 547.04 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, with 1406 cases reported in the last week. data that puts Trentino in one classification of moderate risk but “high risk of progression”.
Meanwhile I unions, the order of doctors and the data contained in the same weekly report speak of a provincial health system at risk of collapse. The president of the Pat Maurizio Fugatti denies: “The health system is not collapsing because it is guaranteeing health service to the entire population of Trentino”, admitting, however, that if the collapse refers to a difficulty, then yes, this is true. “But if that means – reiterates Fugatti – that we cannot provide a service, it is not true.” The words of the president of Pat echo those of the director of the Department of Prevention of APSS Antonio Ferro: “The parameters referring to the hospital and public health are very solid and these are the ones that have allowed us to stay in yellow throughout the period, because all the contact tracing parameters and the data flow have always been very consistent and fast and the Ministry took our situation into account and can be analyzed ”. but still buds in RSA, and in oncology in Trento, United to admissions (well beyond alert thresholds) to hospital wards and intensive care which caused the closure of many wards in peripheral hospitals (articles HERE and HERE), they do not offer good prospects.