Coronavirus, 82 positive today in Puglia, 9 in the Brindisi area. No deaths


BRINDIS – The number of positive cases in the Puglia region remains high. Based on the data provided by the director of the Health Promotion Department, Vito Montanaro, out of 3,554 tests carried out today, 82 positive cases were registered: 31 in the province of Bari, 9 in the province of Brindisi, 10 in the province de Bat, 21 in the province of Foggia, 2 in the province of Lecce, 9 in the province of Taranto. No deaths were recorded. As for the Brindisi area, Fasano records an increase in infections passing in the range of 21-50 and only San Pietro Vernotico is currently a Covid-free municipality.

343,000 tests have been carried out since the start of the emergency. 4,175 are recovered patients. 1,546 are currently positive cases. The total of positive cases of Covid in Puglia is 6,291, divided as follows: 2,336 in the province of Bari; 513 in the province of Bat; 736 in the province of Brindisi; 1,497 in the province of Foggia; 712 in the province of Lecce; 444 in the province of Taranto; 52 attributed to residents outside the region; 1 province of unknown residence.


The statements of the general director of the Asl of Puglia

Statement Managing Director Asl Bari, Antonio Sanguedolce: “The epidemiological bulletin today registers 31 cases of positivity to Sars – Cov – 2 in the province of Bari, of which 19 are close contacts of cases already identified and under surveillance. The Prevention Department has started investigations – continues Sanguedolce – on the remaining 12 positive cases, with the aim of identifying the origin and risk factors ”.

Declaration of Dg Asl Brindisi Giuseppe Pasqualone: ​​”Of the nine positives in the province of Brindisi, six refer to two different families in which cases have already been registered. The other three refer to a return from Albania, a person under examination for reasons work and one the other who had shown mild symptoms and tested positive on the swab. “

Declaration of Dg Asl Bt, Alessandro Delle Donne: “There are 10 positive cases registered today in the province of Bat. In particular, 4 are close contacts of positive cases registered in the last days, 3 are returning from Sardinia and in another 3 investigations are ongoing by the department prevention ‘.

Declaration of Director of the Asl Foggia, Vito Piazzolla: “There are 21 new positives in the province of Foggia, they are: 15 close contacts of already known cases; 1 foreign citizen present in the provincial territory; 5 symptomatic people identified thanks to the recommendation of general practitioners ”. “We reiterate – declares the general director of Foggia ASL Vito Piazzolla – the fundamental importance of respecting hygiene and health standards to avoid the spread of infection”.

Declaration of Dg Asl Lecce, Rodolfo Rollo: “The two cases registered today by the Prevention Department concern a resident returning from Malta and a resident returning from Sardinia.”

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Statement Dg Asl TarantoStefano Rossi: “Of the 9 Covid cases attributed to residence in Taranto, 5 are attributable to patients and employees of Ginosa Marina RSA; the other 4 are cases of positive contacts found after an epidemiological investigation by the Prevention Department ”.
