Coronavirus, 82 new cases in Puglia, 31 only in the Bari area. 3554 swabs analyzed


In Puglia they are registered 82 new coronavirus cases out of 3,554 tests. The region that released the usual epidemiological bulletin announced it recently. The positivity is divided as follows: 31 in the province of Bari, 9 in the province of Brindisi; 10 in the province of BAT, 21 in the province of Foggia, 2 in the province of Lecce, 9 in the province of Taranto. No deaths were recorded.

343,000 tests have been carried out since the start of the emergency. 4,175 are recovered patients, 1,546 are currently positive cases. The total of positive cases of Covid in Puglia is 6,291, divided as follows: 2,336 in the province of Bari; 513 in the province of Bat; 736 in the province of Brindisi; 1,497 in the province of Foggia; 712 in the province of Lecce; 444 in the province of Taranto; 52 attributed to residents outside the region. 1 province of unknown residence.

The new positives in the Bari area, as stated by the CEO of Asl Sanguedolce, are for the most part (19) close contacts of already known cases, the others are under investigation. In the Brindisi area, as reported by the general director Asl Pasqualone, six positives are part of two families with cases inside: “The other three refer to a return from Albania, one person subjected to review for work reasons and another who had shown mild symptoms and smear positive.Of the 10 cases in the Bat, as reported by ASL Delle Donne dg, 4 are close contacts of infected people, 3 are returning from Sardinia, and another 3 are being investigated.

15 of the 21 new positives from Foggiano, as reported by CEO Asl Piazzolla, are close contacts of infected people. This is followed by a foreign citizen present in the area and 5 symptomatic persons identified thanks to the recommendation of general practitioners. The general director of Asl Lecce Rollo communicates, instead, that the cases registered today return from Malta and Sardinia. Finally, of the 9 cases registered in the Tarantino, 5 are attributable to the RSA outbreak in Ginosa Marina, the rest are positive contacts. This was reported by the executive director of ASL Rossi.
