Coronavirus, 78 new positives in Liguria and increase in hospitalized: after Spezia there are Asl2 (+15 cases)


Liguria. am 78 new positives for coronavirus in Liguria based on 1,682 swabs tested in the last twenty-four hours. These are the data contained in the new bulletin issued by the Region on the health emergency. In particular, there are 51 infections in the province of La Spezia, but immediately behind is Asl2 of Savona, with 15 new cases. There are no deaths.

The details of the 78 new positives today (out of 1682 swabs): Asl 1, hospital access 1; Asl 2, 15, of which 2 confirmed case contact, 13 social and health structures; Asl 3, 11, of which 5 confirmed case contact, 1 access to the hospital, 5 detection activities; Asl 5, 51, of which 12 confirmed case contact, 39 detection activities.

It should be noted that the ASL specification does not refer to the residence of the people but to the territorial headquarters of the laboratories where the swab was reported.

There are 126 hospitalized, an increase of 6 units compared to yesterday, and of these 11 are in intensive care (figure unchanged). Most of the patients (81) are in La Spezia, where there are 7 patients in intensive care.

Currently there are 2,296 positive cases in Ligurians, excluded cured with two negative tests and deceased: 55 more than yesterday. There are 11,852 positive cases in total, including those cured with two negative tests and deaths (+78). There are 1,588 positive cases identified by screening tests (+6). The total number of positive cases in symptomatic patients is expected to be 10,264 (+72).

In total, 1,790 subjects are under active surveillance. In total, 266,435 swabs were made, which is 1,682 more than yesterday.

There are 1,017 people in home isolation in total, 49 more than yesterday. The total of cured patients, with two consecutive negative tests, is 7,977, 23 more than yesterday. The deaths are still 1,579 in total (in the last 24 hours there have been no deaths in Liguria).

There are a total of 6 people hospitalized in the Savona area (as yesterday), of which 1 in intensive care (-1 since yesterday). The subjects under active surveillance in Asl 2 are 195 in total.
