In Puglia today there have been 76 new cases of coronavirus. This was announced by the region, which released the usual epidemiological bulletin. 3764 swabs were examined and the positivity is 47 in the province of Bari, 3 in the province of Brindisi; 2 in the province of BAT, 12 in the province of Foggia, 4 in the province of Lecce, 7 in the province of Taranto, 1 unknown province. No deaths were recorded.
Since the beginning of the emergency, 346,764 tests have been carried out. 4,198 patients are cured, 1,599 are currently positive cases. The total of positive cases of Covid in Puglia is 6,367, divided as follows: 2,383 in the province of Bari; 515 in the province of Bat; 739 in the province of Brindisi; 1,509 in the province of Foggia; 716 in the province of Lecce; 451 in the province of Taranto; 52 attributed to residents outside the region; 2 province of unknown residence.
There are 47 cases in the Bari area, according to the general director of Asl Sanguedolce: 36 close contacts of infected people. More research on the rest. As for Brindisi, Asl CEO Pasqualone reports that the first case is a return from Greece, the second is an employee of the Polignano a Mare (Ba) company who had been in close contact with an established case. Finally, the third is a control panel.
Two cases today in the Bat, is what the Asl dg Delle Donne announces: 1 is a close contact of a positive registered in recent days while the other is being investigated by the prevention department. In the province of Foggia, according to information from the dg Asl Piazzolla, 12 new positives have been found, all related to known cases. Finally, of the 4 cases from Lecce, as reported by the general manager Asl Rollo, one was already isolated because he had had contact with a positive, one is a return from Romania, another a return from Albania and the last one is a verified resident with screening before a health service and on which epidemiological investigations are being carried out. The Tarantino 7, according to the statements of the general director Asl Rossi, are attributable to patients belonging to positive relatives and already in isolation.