There are currently 966 positive people for the coronavirus in Friuli Venezia Giulia. With the hospitalization in Udine of a man, born in 1939, the number of patients being treated in intensive care increases to six, while 26 are hospitalized in other departments, with hospitalization of a person aged 64 and 76, respectively, in Trieste and Udine. No new deaths were recorded (355 in total).
This was announced by the Lieutenant Governor with responsibility for Health, Riccardo Riccardi, highlighting that 72 new infections have been detected today: 16 in Trieste, 26 in Udine, 9 in Pordenone and 19 in Gorizia, plus two people from outside the region.
So, looking at the general data from the beginning of the epidemic, the people who tested positive for the virus, including even two children under one year are 5,034: 1,680 in Trieste, 1,699 in Udine, 1,123 in Pordenone and 510 in Gorizia, in addition to 22 people from outside the region.
The totally cured amount to 3,713, the clinically recovered are 21 and the isolated 913. The deceased are 198 in Trieste, 77 in Udine, 72 in Pordenone and eight in Gorizia.
Regarding schools, research is currently being carried out in some structures: in Einaudi School of Cervignano (swabs will take place on October 9); ai Grigoletti High Schools (a class in quarantine) e Majorana (a class in quarantine), inIs Kennedy (a positive case) and at Ial (a positive case) from Pordenone; to Torre Infant School (a positive case) and at Moruzzo Elementary School (positive one teacher and two students). In addition, some extracurricular contacts of the teacherInstitute Buonarroti of Monfalcone affected by the Coronavirus.
Must be reported two cases of Covid-19 among the disabled followed by the Isonzo Consortium of Integrated Services (Cisi) and access to the Pordenone emergency room for a guest from House Serena 83 years already positive, but the patient was not hospitalized. In addition, a possible case of infection by a health worker from Trieste.
Finally, Investigations were initiated on the personnel of a company operating in the field of Trieste maritime transport., on a Fincantieri employee and yes, some workers of the companies linked to the latter.